This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

Simpson announces reorganization

Published: July 15, 2004

Reporter Editor

A reorganization of the administrative leadership of the university that will better support UB's planning process and better align the university's core functions and academic mission "in order to best position our institution for long-term success and growth" has been announced by UB President John B. Simpson.

In a memo to the university community dated July 6, Simpson said that two executive vice president positions—the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and the executive vice president for finance and operations—have been created.

Satish K. Tripathi, who became UB provost on July 1, has assumed the additional title of executive vice president for academic affairs. The vice presidents for research and health affairs will report to Tripathi in his capacity as executive vice president for academic affairs.

The position of executive vice president for finance and operations is new to UB and is, Simpson said, "critically important in rounding out my senior administration. The full scope of responsibilities for this position will be further defined as campus planning and organizational changes unfold. While it is my intention to commence a national search to fill this vital and important post, it is important that the institutional planning and leadership role of this position be fulfilled immediately."

To that end, Simpson has asked his chief of staff, James (Beau) Willis, to fill the position in an interim capacity.

Reporting to the executive vice president for finance and operations will be the vice president for university services, the vice president for public service and urban affairs, the vice president and chief information officer, the Office of Government Affairs and a new position, the vice president for external affairs.

The Office of Equity, Diversity and Affirmative Action Administration, the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Office of the Vice President for University Advancement will continue to report directly to Simpson.

The advancement function has been restructured to realign the areas of marketing, creative services and news services under the new position of vice president for external affairs. Effective today, these three areas also will report to Willis until the position of vice president for external affairs is filled after a national search.

Simpson also announced that in addition to the search for the vice president for external affairs, national searches will begin immediately to fill the posts of vice president for research and vice president for health affairs.

Robert J. Genco, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the School of Dental Medicine who most recently served as interim provost, will serve as interim vice president for research beginning today, replacing Jaylan S. Turkkan, who resigned from her duties as vice president for research, effective yesterday.

"Since joining UB in 2000 as vice president for research, Jay has contributed in meaningful ways to the ongoing development of our research initiatives, most notably in working to improve institutional efforts to secure federal grants," Simpson noted.

Genco—one of UB's most distinguished professors, an internationally recognized and prolific researcher, and member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences—has served UB in many administrative leadership positions during the past 36 years. He also is director of the Office of Science, Technology Transfer and Economic Outreach and the Periodontal Disease Clinical Research Center in the School of Dental Medicine.

Simpson said that Margaret L. Paroski will continue to serve as interim vice president for health affairs, as well as interim dean of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

In addition, Simpson said that Robert J. Wagner will step down from his post as senior counselor to the president as of today.

"Despite his original intentions to retire at the close of the presidential search process, Bob was gracious enough to stay on at my request to assist with several vital university issues during my initial months here. Bob has my abiding thanks for his assistance and counsel, and for his 36 years of service to the University at Buffalo," Simpson said.

Wagner, who stepped down as senior vice president in 2002, will continue his ties to UB as a lecturer in the Graduate School of Education.

"I am confident that UB's new leadership structures will significantly further our agenda and will enable us to accelerate our assessment process," Simpson said. "Working together, we will ensure that UB becomes a leading academic institution, and, therefore, a truly great university."