This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

People etc.

Published: August 19, 2004

UB co-sponsors Global Bio Pharma Conference

UB and the Global Bio Pharma Conference Group is sponsoring "Global Bio Pharma Conference—2004," a gathering of biopharmaceutical industry leaders, academicians, scientists, entrepreneurs and representatives from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to discuss "emerging issues, challenges and opportunities in the new millennium for biologicals, pharmaceuticals, clinical trials and diagnostics."

The meeting will be held Sept. 14-17 in Mumbai, India, the first time such a conference has been held on the Indian subcontinent. Madhavan Nair, research professor in the Department of Medicine in the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, is a conference organizer.

Several UB faculty members will speak at the meeting, including Bruce Holm, executive director of the Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences; Woodrow W. Maggard, associate vice provost for science, technology transfer and economic outreach; Jamson Lwebuga-Mukasa, associate professor in the Department of Medicine, and Paresh Dandona, UB Distinguished Professor in the Department of Medicine.

Among the topics to be discussed are "Opportunities and Challenges in Global Outsourcing of Biologics and Pharmaceuticals," Advances in the R&D of Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals," "Advances in Bioprocess Development and Manufacturing" and "Patents, Compliance and Marketing in the New Era."

Conference registration is still open. For more information, contact Nair at 832-5790 or, or go to the conference Web site at

Undergraduate is first UB recipient of UUP's Link Scholarship

Paul Zarembka, professor in the Department of Economics in the College of Arts and Sciences, says his former student, Daniel Cross, "is an outstanding student and a human being committed to economic justice, and this award is richly deserved."

Cross is the first UB recipient of the annual Eugene P. Link Scholarship presented by United University Professions (UUP), the SUNY-wide faculty/staff labor union.

The $2,000 scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student in a SUNY school with a grade point average of 3.75 or higher who "exhibits a dedication to the goals of the trade- and labor-union movements."

A 1999 graduate of Hamburg High School, Cross expects to graduate from UB with a double major in history and Spanish in May 2005.

His application was supported by several UB professors, including Zarembka, Ruth Meyerowitz, professor in the Department of Women's Studies, and Kandace Lombart, former adjunct professor in the Department of English, both in the CAS.

"This is a true honor," Cross says, "and a huge boost to me, especially after having just emptied my bank account to pay for summer classes."

Cross founded "UB Students Against Sweatshops," which protested UB's contract with the New Era Cap Company of Derby, whose workers struck the company in 2001-02.

Led by Cross, the group served as a conduit for communications between the striking New Era employees and 13 universities nationwide—UB was not among them—that suspended their contracts with the company. The suspension remained in effect until New Era agreed to a contract with its workers and corrected safety violations cited in a 2001 report critical of its labor record.

The student organization continues to monitor UB contracts to insure that companies doing business with the university respect their workers' rights.

After he graduates, Cross says he plans to take a few years off from school to work as a union organizer and then return to graduate school to study labor history.

The scholarship was established in the mid-1980s to honor Link, now professor emeritus of history at Plattsburgh State College. He taught in SUNY for 35 years and helped to found UUP.

Craft Center sets early fall workshops

The Creative Craft Center, located in 102 Harriman Hall, South Campus, will offer Fall workshops, beginning the week of Sept. 6.

Workshops are scheduled in basic photography, night photography, autumn photography, countryside photography, effective portraiture, knitting and crocheting, embroidery around the world, basic drawing, beginning and advanced stained glass, jewelry construction, beginning polymer clay and shibori (textile dyeing)

Workshops will run from 7-10 p.m. one night a week for six weeks. Fees are $40 for UB students and $70 for others. Early sign-up is advised.

For more information, a schedule and a map, call 829-3536 from 1-5 p.m. Monday through Friday, or 7-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday.