This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

Questions & Answers

Published: October 9, 2003

Mark Karwan, dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, is chair of the 2003 State Employees Federated Appeal (SEFA) campaign.

How's the SEFA campaign going?
The campaign is going very well. It's always heartening to see how the university community responds year after year to this important appeal. Even in difficult economic times when our own personal financial situations may be more challenged than in the past, UB employees still step up and meet the needs of others through their generosity in this campaign. Most of the SEFA dollars we raise are spent right here in our community and are an integral part of the quality of life for our neighbors in Western New York.

What's the campaign theme this year?
"Our community is in your hands." We all know that UB's contributions to the SEFA campaign support individuals and families in need across Western New York, our state, our nation and around the globe. Indeed, SEFA contributions also are helping our own colleagues at the university. It is estimated that one out of every three or four employees at UB, or their families, is the recipient of some kind of SEFA service, spanning such daily needs as Meals on Wheels for an elderly relative or after-school care provided by a Boys and Girls Club, to emergency shelter provided by the Red Cross after a house fire, or end-of-life care provided by Hospice for a family's loved one. We hold in our hands, through our contributions to SEFA, the ability to make a significant and much appreciated difference in the lives of our fellow employees, as well as the lives of millions in our region, state and nation.

What types of agencies and organizations benefit from SEFA?
There are more than 600 agencies and programs that benefit from SEFA, ranging from local health and human service programs to international aid programs like CARE and UNICEF, to day care and educational enrichment like the Buffalo Engineering Awareness for Minorities Program (BEAM)—which we host at UB—to environmental agencies promoting clean air and water, to legal advocacy programs promoting fair housing opportunity, to…well, you name it—there is likely to be a program or service that is doing good in whatever area of interest you might like to support. That's a great beauty of the SEFA campaign—UB employees can find agencies and programs that hold some special meaning to them and can give generously to those groups through SEFA, especially through payroll deduction.

What are some of the special events being held on campus to raise money for SEFA?
Many units hold special events during the SEFA campaign to raise funds to augment the campaign. Among the variety of events that units run are hot dog roasts (the College of Arts and Sciences held its roast on Oct. 2), the "Taste of SOPPS" (a School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences' version of the Taste of Buffalo), a quilt raffle (members of the university community have volunteered their time to make individual quilt squares for a quilt to be raffled off in support of breast cancer research), a used-book sale, basket auctions, Entertainment Book sales and much more. Two campus-wide events this year include "Kneading the Dough," a bake-off to be held on Oct. 24, and a raffle for a Buffalo Bills cap signed by Travis Henry and a beautiful engraved UB crystal clock. See the SEFA Web site at for details on these and other SEFA special events. In addition to special events during campaign time, many departments also are involved in year-long outreach in support of SEFA agencies. Numerous departments adopt families at holiday times to provide food and gifts where there might otherwise be few or none. In Crofts Hall, a building-wide SEFA committee plans monthly lunches, raffles and other enjoyable programs, with proceeds going to support specific SEFA agencies selected by the Crofts employees each year.

How do you make a case for SEFA when many members of the UB community and their families may be facing tough economic times themselves?
Many of us are facing tougher economic times than we did several years ago, but here at UB, we are still employed. Think of how many families you know that have suffered job losses with a longtime downturn in the economy exacerbated by Sept. 11. The university remains a strong economic force in the community and a stable employer. As the often-cited saying goes, "To whom much is given, much is required." At a time when many in our Western New York community have little or nothing to give, I hope that the employees at UB will feel a special willingness and desire to share their financial resources with others through the SEFA campaign.

What question do you wish I had asked, and how would you have answered it?
Two questions! "Have you enjoyed your role as SEFA chair this year?" Absolutely! The dedication of so many UB employees that make this campaign work is inspiring. Many committees work hard to make this campaign work for UB and for the community. It's been a real pleasure to meet both new and longtime SEFA champions for all the units at UB; they've made my job easy and enjoyable. And finally, "With such success that UB has had in its past SEFA campaigns, what would you like to see happen this year?" I'd really like to see a leap forward in the percentage of those who contribute through SEFA and some increase in the amount of each gift in these times of such need in our community. I'm sure that virtually all of our employees donate to worthy causes in the community. SEFA provides an easy way to choose your preferred charity or charities through payroll deduction or a one-time payment and help UB be recognized for its significant impact on the community.