This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

Exhibit of students’ "architectural scrapbooks" on display in Dyett Gallery

Published: January 27, 2005

Reporter Editor

"Corners," an exhibit showcasing "architectural scrapbooks" constructed by first-year students in the Department of Architecture, School of Architecture and Planning, is on display in the Dyett Gallery in Hayes Hall, South Campus.


The exhibit features the final project for the fall semester studio class "Design Studio I: Space and Geometry" (ARC 101), taught by Beth Tauke, associate professor of architecture, and Mikchael Zebrowski, adjunct instructor.

The assignment for the project required that each student in the studio course construct a small building that would serve as a "photographic library to store and display snapshots of the student's life," explains Tauke.

The library model was constructed using eight "corners" from eight different building types that are encountered during the course of everyday life—civic, residential, commercial, industrial, educational, public, temporary and notable work of architecture.


"Architectural scrapbook" constructed by Matt Bull

All students in each studio group—there were 12 groups in the course—used the same corners for their libraries, Tauke says.

The corners were joined together to form the building, which was to function as the students' "architectural scrapbook," she says. She notes that while some students did place personal photos in their library models, others indicated on their models where the photos would be stored and displayed.

The project had several objectives, Tauke points out:

  • To become aware of various building types

  • To understand the basic construction of these common building types

  • To develop new methods of joinery/connection between materials

  • To consider how orientation and location of materials can affect the "reading" of space

  • To consider how light affects the way we perceive space

  • To consider ways that we function in, and move through, a space

  • To think about how architecture shapes our lives and the memories of our lives

"Corners" will be on display through Feb. 4 in the Dyett Gallery on the third floor of Hayes Hall. The gallery is open during regular business hours Monday through Friday.