This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

Electronic Highways

Published: February 10, 2005

Job-hunting season is open

To the Personnel Manager

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am a graduating senior at the University at Buffalo, and expect to earn my bachelor's degree in May 2005. After perusing the hundreds of thousands of job postings in America's Job Bank (, BestJobsUSA ( and Monster (, I conclude that the position your company advertised most matches my qualifications, training, experience and enthusiasm. Although it is only February, I feel that it is never too early to begin my career-planning process—and have gained assurance that I am the best-suited candidate to meet the needs of your firm.

Like many others in the university community who are seeking their first professional position (or more experienced people who may be contemplating a career shift), I initially felt some anxiety and trepidation about the career-planning process—that is, before I connected to UB's Employment & Career Resources research guides ( and Next, I discovered the latest occupational trends via America's Career InfoNet ( From this site, I had no difficulty matching my education level with various professions and could ascertain the salary ranges of various careers, the availability of employment and the state-by-state job-market forecast.

Being the proactive, highly motivated, self-starting dynamo that I am, I completed the University of Waterloo's Career Development eManual ( in record time. Recognized as one of the best online career-planning resources, this step-by-step tutorial features numerous exercises to strengthen skills in self-assessment, research, decision-making, building networks and contacts, work and life/work planning. Any doubts I may have felt have been replaced by total belief in my abilities and confidence in my potential as an employee in your service.

How do you like this cover letter so far? Although I attest that these words are purely my own, I relied on the tips and examples offered by CareerLab. Its "cover letter library" ( enabled me to, in its words, "answer want ads like a pro." Although only a few examples are offered free to non-subscribers, there are sample cover letters matching no less than 21 other possible employment situations. You just wait until you receive the thank-you letter after our interview, and the six or seven follow-up letters I'll be sending you in the near future!

Enclosed is my resumé outlining my education, experience and skills that directly correspond to the qualifications of your position. You will note that the resumé faithfully adheres to the guidelines offered by resumé expert Susan Ireland on her "Resumes, E-Resumes, Cover Letters, Interviewing & Salary Tips" site ( In addition to a complete resumé-writing guide and the 50 samples for different kinds of jobs, Ireland provides contact information for professional resumé writers and offers downloadable resumé software for sale. But make no mistake: This resumé is written by me and me alone!

And speaking of interviews, you are going to be absolutely floored when the time comes to talk with me face-to-face. Thanks to The Riley Guide (, an invaluable resource for career information and services, I was linked to numerous sites offering advice on interviewing strategy. Not only will your dress-socks be completely knocked off by my informed and witty responses to your questions and the thoughtful questions I'll have prepared, but I'm sure you'll appreciate my outfit as well—I'll be dressed for success!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I assure you that your company will benefit from taking on someone of my abilities, energy and team-player attitude. I look forward to being a successful and productive member in the exciting, challenging and lucrative world of employment counseling!

Very truly yours,

—Nina Cascio and Rick McRae, University Libraries