This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.


Published: April 28, 2005

Errors of omission To the Editor:

The dedication of the Alfiero Center on April 26, 2005, was an elegant occasion, with positive vibes all around. The speakers were all equal to the task: right tone, right text, right time. It was especially gratifying to hear the well-expressed sentiments of the two students who spoke during the dedication ceremonies.

The donors were effusively thanked by all, the emphasis on student learning was underscored by most, and the high-tech features were marveled at and performed without a hitch, up to and including a virtual ribbon cutting.

But while there were no errors of commission, there were a few inelegancies of omission.

Surely, it would have been appropriate to thank out loud the architects, Foit Albert Associates, and to praise the general contractors, GPS Construction Services, and especially their very competent labor force.

From the first shovel to dig the hole, to the last shovel to plant the trees, these construction workers merged the new with the old to form a seamless whole, with many artistic touches.

And it would not have been remiss to remind the audience and acknowledge the contribution of Lewis Mandell, the dean who got this project started. While his tenure as dean was relatively short, his legacy will outlast many deans to come.


John C. G. Boot

School of Management