"NIAGARA FALLS" Adam Cvijanovic stands in front of his 35-foot-high, floor-to-ceiling painting of Niagara Falls, currently on display in the Lightwell Gallery in the Center for the Arts. Cvijanovic spoke about his painting during a "walkthrough" of the exhibition before the opening reception on March 23. His work will be on display through July 29. (Photo: Nancy J. Parisi)
Dalai Lama to receive SUNY degree
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso will receive a SUNY honorary doctorate in humane letters during his three-day visit to UB in September. » Full Story
Academic excellence to be celebrated
The second annual Celebration of Academic Excellencea university-wide celebration of scholarly, research and creative excellencewill be held April 20 in the Center for the Arts, North Campus. » Full Story
Physics faculty lead the way. The Department of Physics is earning national accolades, with five faculty members holding current National Science Foundation CAREER Awards, three of which are new for 2006.
Wellness awareness. Need some motivation to turn off the TV and get up off the couch? Join your colleagues at Wellness Awareness Day on April 6.
Sukhatme to leave UB for IUPUI. Uday P. Sukhatme, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, has been named executive vice chancellor and dean of the faculties at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
School violence targeted. The School of Social Work has developed several programs to defuse and prevent violence in the schools.
Facilities overview. James A. (Beau) Willis, interim executive vice president for finance and operations, provided an update on UB facilities to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee yesterday.
Physicist's focus is experimental. As UB's first high-energy physicists who specialize in experiments, as opposed to theory, Ia Iashvili says she and her husband love the freedom of building a program from scratch while continuing to collaborate with academics all over the world.
Midori to perform "new music." Violinist Midori, as part of her first U.S. tour completely devoted to a new music repertoire, will be among the performers appearing during April as part of the Department of Music's concert schedule.
New strategy for Kensington Heights. Graduate planning students have proposed a strategy for the large-scale retail development of the former Glenny Drive apartment complex in the commercially underserved Kensington Heights neighborhood on the East Side of Buffalo.
Kids with cavities overweight. New evidence from UB pediatric dentists has shown that, contrary to previous findings, most young children with decayed "baby" teeth are not underweight, and actually may be overweight or at risk of being overweight.
"Tar Wars." UB medical residents are venturing into local schools to teach children about the dangers of smoking.
Cybersecurity topic of meeting. Buffalo is fast becoming a center for research, education and new practices in cybersecurity and computer forensics, according to the hosts of a workshop on these topics to be held tomorrow in the Center for Tomorrow.
Certification in trauma treatment. The School of Social Work, in collaboration with the Child Trauma Institute, will offer a year-long certification program for mental-health professionals who work with children and adolescents who have been exposed to significant trauma or loss.