DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE. No, It's not Alice, just an interested gallery visitor taking a peek at "Scene from Olympus Manger," an exhibit by artist Kelly Kaczynski on view in the UB Art Gallery in the Center for the Arts through May 13. (Photo: Nancy J. Parisi)
Budget seen as best in 20 years
The budget recently approved by the state Legislature in Albany may be the best budget for UB in two decades, President John B. Simpson told the UB Council on Monday. » Full Story
Tripathi unveils plan for undergraduate education
"No UB undergraduate student left behind" could be a motto for the plan to improve undergraduate education at the university that Satish K. Tripathi, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, unveiled Tuesday at the Faculty Senate meeting. » Full Story
Improving maintenance. The university administration is developing a proposal to improve the maintenance and appearance of campus buildings that calls for a return to a structure where all custodial workers would be UB employees.
McCombe named interim CAS dean. Bruce D. McCombe, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences, and vice provost for graduate education and dean of the Graduate School, has been named interim dean of the college.
SEAS dean candidates visit campus. The search for a new dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is moving forward, with the first two finalists being invited to visit campus this week and next week.
New physics in "virtual footprints." While other physicists seek more direct evidence of new particles, UB faculty member Doreen Wackeroth focuses on indirect evidence, the so-called virtual effects left by new particles during experiments conducted in extremely powerful high-energy particle accelerators.
Medicine as cultural symbol. New faculty member David Herzberg specializes in the history of culture, gender and medicine.
Faculty member receives award. UB computer engineer Ismael Regis de Farias has received a prestigious 2005 IBM Faculty Award of $20,000.
Dodgeball a hit with UB students. Dodgeball, the playground game of youth, has seen a dramatic resurgence in recent years, and UB was not picked last when it came to recognizing the trend.
Music faculty featured on CDs. Three CDs featuring members of the UB music faculty have been released recently to critical applause.
Faculty inventors named on patents. Eleven UB faculty members were named on eight patents issued to the Research Foundation of the State University of New York in 2005.
Alumni to receive awards. The UB Alumni Association will present its highest honor, the Samuel P. Capen Award, to J. Grant Hauber, B.S. '48, at the association's Achievement Awards Ceremony on April 28.