GET A GRIP. Rebecca Balon (right), a junior exercise science major, tests the grip of Rebecca Goodman, staff assistant in the Department of Nuclear Medicine, during Wellness Awareness Day held on April 6. (Photo: Nancy J. Parisi)
Cultural, literary work "robust"
The white paper on the UB 2020 strategic strength "Cultural, Historical and Literary/Textual Studies" calls on the university administration to provide "the fiscal leadership and administrative vision" to enable faculty to sustain and extend the "robust" scholarship already being done in these areas. » Full Story
More SEAS dean candidates to visit
Two additional candidates for the position of dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have been selected to participate in on-campus interviews. » Full Story
Introducing science to School 19. Students at School 19the Native American Magnet Schoolare getting an introduction to the wonders of science from UB students and faculty as part of a special after-school program.
Meth and the immune system. UB researchers have received a $1.7 million grant from the National Institute of Drug Abuse to study how methamphetamine disrupts the immune system, increasing susceptibility to HIV among users of the recreational drug.
ACE fellow. Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen, professor of geography, has been named a fellow of the American Council on Education (ACE) for 2006-07.
Working retirement. Although he officially retired four years ago at age 80, Philip Miles, emeritus professor of biological sciences, is still on campus three to four times a week to teach and serve on committees.
Informatics symposium. At an international invitational symposium to be held at UB May 5 and 6, medical and informatics researchers will explore the uneven diffusion of evidence-based mental health treatment information throughout the world.
Regional Knowledge Network launched. To meet the need for reliable, timely information for sound decision-making, the Institute for Local Governance and Regional Growth has launched the Regional Knowledge Network, a state-of-the-art information resource for the Buffalo Niagara region.
Global performer. Maria Horne has worked to promote international performing arts at UB since she began teaching here in 1994, and this year, her efforts have resulted in a new SUNY-wide study-abroad program housed at UB that will take students to Romania this summer.
Exhibits to open in UB galleries. Exhibitions highlighting work by UB artist David Schrim, as well as work from the UB sculpture and print collections, will open on April 20 in the UB Art Galleries.
Price of managerial neglect. A new method for putting a price tag on the cost of "managerial neglect" has been developed by two UB industrial engineers.
Bird flu threat. Science and health writer Laurie Garrett called a potential bird flu outbreak in humans the "greatest disaster man has ever faced" during a lecture at UB as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series.
Student fee hike proposed. The comprehensive student fee would increase by $30 a semester for full-time undergraduates under a proposal by Dennis Black, vice president for student affairs.