MARKING MERIT. The UB community gathered in the Center for the Arts on April 20 for the second annual Celebration of Academic Excellence. The event recognizes academic excellence achieved by UB faculty, staff and students. See story in "Top Stories" column for details. (Photo: Nancy J. Parisi)
UB to conduct seismic testing
UB engineers will launch a series of unprecedented seismic tests on a full-scale, wood-frame townhouse over the next nine months. » Full Story
UB employees get early chance at Dalai Lama tickets
Beginning at 9 a.m. on May 8, UB faculty and staff will have an exclusive two-week opportunity to purchase tickets for the public lecture by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Sept. 19. » Full Story
UB 2020 seen as model for change. Based on the successes to date of UB 2020, President John B. Simpson predicts that the university's strategic planning process will serve as a future model for other U.S. public universities, as well as SUNY campuses.
Changes proposed for support of arts. Significant changes in the way UB funds and supports the creative and performing arts are proposed in a white paper prepared for the UB 2020 strategic strength "Artistic Expression and Performing Arts."
Celebrating academic excellence. Academic excellence achieved by faculty, staff and students was the focus of the second annual Celebration of Academic Excellence.
Straddling two fields. Mark Shepard joined the UB faculty for the unique opportunity to help get a dual-degree program off the ground, and explore and combine his interests in two very different, yet very complementary fields of study.
Protecting Parkinson's neurons. UB researchers affiliated with the New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences have identified a novel agent that can protect neurons involved in Parkinson's disease from being destroyed by the pesticide rotenone.
Seniors' access to dental care poor. A survey of seniors' access to dental care conducted by researchers at UB and Buffalo State College presents a sobering picture of the dental needs and barriers to dental care experienced by seniors.
Comic advice from Conan. Late-night talk-show host and comic Conan O'Brien enlightened, as well as entertained, a sell-out crowd in Alumni Arena to close out this year's Distinguished Speakers Series.
No heart-disease protection. Selenium does not protect against cardiovascular disease, despite its documented antioxidant and chemopreventive properties, an analysis by UB researchers has shown.
FSEC gets Dalai Lama update. The last public meeting this academic year of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee yesterday looked forward to a major event planned for the 2006-07 academic yearthe visit to UB by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Five to receive law alumni awards. Five graduates of the UB Law School will receive Distinguished Alumni Awards for their valuable contributions to the legal profession and community at the 44th annual UB Law Alumni Association meeting and dinner.