This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.


Published: May 11, 2006

"Our patients are very upset about those commercials. I've heard everything from 'I cried for an hour after I saw the commercial' to 'I'm never buying a Volkswagen.' I'm not in sales or marketing, but I'm sure that was not the intended effect [Volkswagen] wanted."
J. Gayle Beck, professor of psychology and director of the Motor Vehicle Accident Research Clinic, in an article in the Baltimore Sun on a new ad campaign by Volkswagen that features graphic car crash scenes.
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"We're transferring lessons learned and new technology being honed to Asian [companies]. When the next-generation airplane comes along, we will have no base knowledge of how to produce it ourselves."
David Pritchard, research associate with the Canada-U.S. Trade Center within the Department of Geography, in an article in Newsweek on the global nature of the manufacturing race between Boeing and Airbus.
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"It [the research] can be applied to the training of security checkpoint personnel to help them identify and decode 'hot spots,' the subtle conversational clues and fleeting flashes of expression that betray buried emotions or suggest lines of additional inquiry. One micro-expression or collection of them is not proof of anything-they have meaning only in the context of other behavioral cues, and even then are not an indictment of an individual, just very good clues."
Mark Frank, professor of communication, in an article distributed by United Press International on lying and human facial expressions.
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