This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

UB, JCC sign dual admission agreement

Agreement initially focuses on nursing programs; others to be added

Published: March 1, 2007

Assistant Vice President

UB and Jamestown Community College have signed a new dual admission program agreement designed to assist the transfer experience and increase the number of students transferring to UB with completed JCC associate degrees that include prerequisites for parallel degree programs at UB.

The agreement initially defines a dual admission program in nursing involving JCC's applied associate of science degree in nursing and UB's bachelor of science degree in nursing with the RN track. Dual programs for degrees in biotechnology and bioinformatics and computational biology are pending.

Under the agreement, JCC will recruit students who will apply to the dual nursing-degree program. Students selected for matriculation in this program will, upon satisfactory completion of a prescribed sequence of courses and requirements leading to an associate degree from JCC, continue their studies at UB with assurance that they may complete all requirements for the corresponding baccalaureate degree by taking four additional semesters of normal workload. The agreement calls for regular communication between JCC and UB faculty, as well as participation by UB staff in advising students and training JCC faculty and staff advisors.

Signing the document for UB were President John B. Simpson; Michael E. Ryan, vice provost and dean of undergraduate education; Jean K. Brown, interim dean of the School of Nursing; and Jennifer S. Gottdiener, director of transfer and articulation services.

Signing on behalf of JCC were President Gregory T. DeCinque; Monica M. Moore, acting vice president and dean of student development; Marilyn A. Zagora, interim vice president and dean of academic affairs; and Robert A. Phillips, transfer articulation coordinator.

Students participating in the dual admission program will receive curricular information about their program and be contacted by UB while at JCC. As part of their dual admission, those who successfully complete the stated requirements for their selected degree program and indicate their intent to enroll at UB can be advised in their academic departments and register for courses along with continuing UB students at the same level of credit. JCC students also will attend an orientation session for transferring students.

The enhanced support systems defined by the dual admission agreement are intended to promote retention and timely graduation from UB of students transferring through the program from JCC, one of 30 community colleges in the SUNY system. JCC's dual admission agreement is one of eight agreements that include 125 dual programs between degrees at UB and SUNY community colleges.