This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.


Published: May 17, 2007

Because of their expertise and reputations, members of the UB faculty and staff are sought out by reporters who quote them in print, broadcast and online publications around the world. Here is a sampling of recent media coverage in which UB is mentioned prominently.

"Always before, I was all about me. How fast can I go, how much can I do. Now my life is all about her."

Reggie Rucker, a star hurdler on the UB track team, in an article on the front page of the sports section of USA Today that profiles the UB student-athlete and looks at his battle to win custody of his 4-year-old daughter and how he balances fatherhood with the demands of school and athletics.
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"The grocery business is something where accessibility is very important. If people have to drive far, it discourages them."

Arun Jain, Samuel P. Capen Professor of Marketing Research and chair of the Department of Marketing, in an article in the Tampa Tribune on the expansion of Publix Super Markets and the increase in the company's sales and profits.
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"What sets him apart from other players isn't that he's just a gifted player physically. It's his ability to perform in the clutch. I expect that Chris Drury looks at (a pressure situation) as a challenge rather than a threat. He has experience performing successfully in those types of situations. There's evidence out there that shows that kind of personal experience helps develop and toughen a person."

Mark Seery, assistant professor of psychology, in an article in USA Today on the ability of Buffalo Sabres center Chris Drury to score under pressure.
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"We should not delay in allowing snus to compete with cigarettes for market share. The banning or exaggerated opposition to snus in cigarette-rife environments is not sound public health policy."

Lynn Kozlowski, professor and chair of the Department of Health Behavior in the School of Public Health and Health Professions and an internationally regarded expert in smoking and health, in an article distributed by the Associated Press reporting that Swedish snus, a smokeless tobacco, puts smokers at a significantly lower risk of cancer than cigarettes. The article appeared in news outlets throughout the U.S., Canada and Australia, including USA Today, The New York Times, CBS News, The Washington Post, Newsday, Boston Globe, Albany Times Union, Houston Chronicle, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Miami Herald, Yahoo! Health, Syracuse Post Standard, Seattle Post Intelligencer, San Francisco Chronicle, Atlanta Journal Constitution and Baltimore Sun.
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"Our approach is unconventional, counterintuitive. With an earthquake, conventional wisdom dictates that the most important thing is to anchor the bridge tower. The mass wants to overturn, so you have to tie it down."

Michel Bruneau, professor of civil, structural and environmental engineering, in an article distributed by UPI reporting that UB scientists are designing bridges that "dance" during earthquakes, making the structures the safest and least expensive to build, retrofit and repair.
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