This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.


Published: March 27, 2008

The late Mecca S. Cranley, who served as dean of the School of Nursing from 1991 to 2006, was inducted posthumously into the Western New York Women’s Hall of Fame during the 12th annual Western New York Women’s Hall of Fame Award Luncheon held on March 13. Cranley’s induction recognizes her accomplishments as a nurse, educator, researcher and community volunteer “which have had lasting, beneficial effects on nursing, community service, education, family life, health, medicine and social sciences.” A plaque bearing a likeness and biography of Cranley will be added to the Hall of Fame, which is located in the foyer of the Rockwell Hall Auditorium at Buffalo State College.

The Arts Council in Buffalo and Erie County honored Roland E. Martin, lecturer in organ and harpsichord performance in the Department of Music, College of Arts and Sciences, as Outstanding Individual Artist during the council’s 22nd Arts Awards luncheon March 14.

Donald E. Mager, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, was a visiting professor during January at Université René Descartes—Paris V, where he gave a series of lectures and hands-on workshops in PK-PD modeling.

Thomas Burrows, executive director of the Center for the Arts, has been elected to the board of directors of the Society for the Arts in Healthcare. The Washington, D.C.-based organization, which has more than 1,700 members worldwide, is dedicated to promoting the incorporation of the arts as an integral component of health care. Burrows' appointment follows the recent announcement of a $287,182 grant from the John R. Oishei Foundation to establish a program that will bring the performing arts and artists into health care settings to enhance the healing environment for patients and caregivers in Western New York. The Center for the Arts' Arts in Healthcare initiative is in collaboration with Women & Children's Hospital of Buffalo.

“Sea Lion,” a hand-processed Super 8 film by Caroline Koebel, assistant professor in the Department of Media Study, College of Arts and Sciences, will be featured at “Eyes and Ears: Sound Needs Image,” a multimedia event being held at Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center on April 5. The film reflects the fascination of Koebel’s 2-year-old son with a sea lion, an animal new to his world.

Seven UB faculty members are among Business First of Buffalo’s “Health Care 50”—50 movers, innovators, strategists, outstanding caregivers and pioneers in the health care field. They are Michael Cain, dean of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; John Canty, Albert and Elizabeth Rekate Professor of Medicine; David L. Dunn, vice president for health sciences; Kevin J. Gibbons, clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery; James Reynolds, professor and chair of the Department of Ophthalmology and director of the Ira G. Ross Eye Institute; Teresa Quattrin, professor of pediatrics; and Michael Landi, assistant professor of clinical neurosurgery