This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

Opening campus conversations

UB’s ‘big picture’ to unfold at forum

Published: April 3, 2008

Reporter Editor

Members of the UB community will have an opportunity to “connect the dots” and find out how they “fit into UB’s big picture” at the first ever Campus Conversation, to be held on Tuesday in the main gym in Alumni Arena, North Campus.

The event, which will take place from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., will provide faculty and staff with an update on UB 2020 and a chance to offer feedback directly to senior university administrators.

Between 2,000 and 3,000 faculty and staff members are expected to attend.

The Campus Conversation will be hosted by President John B. Simpson; the university’s academic and administrative senior leadership; the Faculty Senate; the Professional Staff Senate; United University Professions Buffalo Center and Health Sciences chapters; Public Employees Federation, AFL-CIO; Civil Service Employees Association Local 602; and the Graduate Student Employees Union.

The objectives of the gathering are two-fold, organizers say: to build a culture of engagement and campus pride through better communication among faculty, staff and the senior university leadership, and to provide an update on the major UB 2020 initiatives and how they affect every member of the UB community.

“This will be the first time in a very long time, if ever, that so many UB faculty and staff have gathered at one time,” Simpson said. “It’s a great opportunity for us to discuss where we are as a university, and convey the message that every single member of the UB campus is an important part of our future success.”

The program will open with remarks by Turner Gill, UB head football coach, who will talk about his experiences at UB.

Following a short video, Simpson will speak on the progress made to date on the UB 2020 strategic planning process and how every individual at the university plays a vital role in the initiative. He also is expected to make an announcement about the launch of a new internal communications strategy.

Simpson will take questions after his talk, then participants will be encouraged to visit several kiosk-like stations dispersed around the floor of Alumni Arena, where they will be able to talk to senior members of the UB administration, obtain additional information and offer feedback. The topics to be covered in these information areas are “Academic Excellence,” which will focus on the strategic strengths of UB 2020 and undergraduate, graduate and international education; “Building UB,” which will cover the comprehensive physical plan; “Creating a Great Place to Work,” which will address such topics as health and wellness and volunteer and community service opportunities; “Internal Communication”; and the “UB Believers” advocacy program.

Robert Hoeing, associate professor in the Department of Linguistics, College of Arts and Sciences, and chair of the Faculty Senate, noted that the Campus Conversation comes at a time when everyone at the university needs to improve communication and facilitate the exchange of ideas, particularly regarding UB 2020.

“The Campus Conversation is designed to open up this dialogue for everybody because everybody is involved,” Hoeing said. “There are so many individuals and committees at work, so many ideas being considered that it is difficult for any one person to see how they all fit together.”

He likened the process to a child’s puzzle. “We see at first only a bunch of scattered dots, but once we begin to join them with the interconnecting lines, the picture emerges,” he said. “We hope that through this campus-wide conversation, we can together draw those first defining lines. We hope to come away with a better idea of our direction.

“We hope the discussion is frank, specific and positive,” he added. “It is especially important for the younger faculty and staff; this is and will be their university, their home and their community for some time to come.”

Parking near Alumni Arena will be limited, and those attending the Campus Conversation are advised to take a shuttle. Direct UB Stampede service from the South and downtown campuses will be available, and enhanced shuttle service will be available on the North Campus. For details, click here.

Those interested in attending the Campus Conversation should RSVP by Monday.