This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.


Published: April 10, 2008

Because of their expertise and reputations, members of the UB faculty and staff are sought out by reporters who quote them in print, broadcast and online publications around the world. Here is a sampling of recent media coverage in which UB is mentioned prominently.

“Computing offers multiple, interconnected pathways to understanding.”

Douglas Clements, professor of learning and instruction and a member of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel, in an article on computer-based instruction in the “Bits” technology blog of The New York Times.
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“We’ve never been so hopeful of finding treatments for a disorder that haunts people and follows them everywhere they go.”

Richard Salvi, director of the Center for Hearing and Deafness, in an article in The New York Times on promising new therapies to treat tinnitus.
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“The sound will be a hissing sound, SSS ringing sound. There’s no way to escape from it.”

Richard Salvi, director of the Center for Hearing and Deafness, in an interview on ABC News’ “Good Morning America.” “Good Morning America” taped the interview with Salvi in his lab for a story on tinnitus.
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"Wherever you look in America or the OECD, classes in financial literacy don't do much good. As an educator, I'd like to believe you can teach people to do anything right, but clearly the way we are going about teaching personal finance needs to be improved."

Lewis Mandell, professor of finance and managerial economics, in an article in The Economist on the problems that are caused by widespread ignorance about finance.
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"Tongue bacteria produce malodorous compounds and fatty acids, and account for 80 to 90 percent of all cases of bad breath."

Betsy Clark, a student in the School of Dental Medicine, in an article distributed by Reuters Health that reports on UB research that has identified the organism responsible for chronic bad breath.
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