This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.


Published: April 17, 2008

Because of their expertise and reputations, members of the UB faculty and staff are sought out by reporters who quote them in print, broadcast and online publications around the world. Here is a sampling of recent media coverage in which UB is mentioned prominently.

“One of the biggest mistakes during this was the immediate dismissal of the Iraqi military forces and the entire administration affiliated with the Baath political party.”

Claude Welch, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Political Science, in an article on the war in Iraq in the Russian newspaper Pravda.
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“The Yankees have given lie to their statement by going to the effort and expense of drilling that thing out. But whatever it cost them, anybody will tell you it was far less than the cost of the psychological toll on the Yankees if they had left it in there once its existence was known. They could not leave it there. That would be unthinkable…Athletes are superstitious in general. And there are more superstitions, and importance attached to superstitions, by baseball players than by other athletes.”

Phillips Stevens Jr., associate professor of anthropology, in an article in the Chicago Sun-Times about a Boston Red Sox jersey buried in—and unearthed from—the foundation of the new Yankees Stadium and the role that superstition plays in baseball.
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“The survey demonstrated that graduating high school seniors continue to struggle with financial literacy basics.”

Lewis Mandell, professor of finance and managerial economics, in an article distributed by the Associated Press that reports that according to a nationwide survey released by the Federal Reserve, high school seniors' financial knowledge has gotten worse, with students on average answering correctly only 48.3 percent of question. The article appears in hundreds of news outlets, including USA Today.
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