This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.


Published: May 8, 2008

Sustainability key to planning

To the Editor:

UB is entrusted and expected to be a visionary institution in our community, a trainer and shaper of tomorrow’s leaders and a model citizen in our local and global communities. As such, we are obligated to lead, educate and demonstrate in all that we do.

The UB 2020 comprehensive physical plan provides us with a particularly auspicious opportunity to meet those obligations. If we make sustainability the paramount theme in the hierarchy of planning concepts and design criteria of our UB 2020 master plan, and we insist on sustainable methods, materials and practices during its execution, then we will have met our immediate obligations.

If we use this planning process and the resulting facilities and capacities to develop new programs in sustainable agriculture, architecture, materials, energy, transportation, water and waste management, manufacturing, engineering, etc., then we will be well positioned to meet our future obligations.

Now is the time to inform the design teams, our community and the administrations of UB, SUNY and New York state that sustainability matters to you. Go to the link and make your voice heard.

Frank Mendel

Associate Professor
Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences
School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences