This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.


Published: July 17, 2008

Because of their expertise and reputations, members of the UB faculty and staff are sought out by reporters who quote them in print, broadcast and online publications around the world. Here is a sampling of recent media coverage in which UB is mentioned prominently.

“Rats that ate a normal diet lost a significant amount of lean muscle mass and acquired more fat, while calorie-restricted rats maintained lean muscle mass as they aged.”

Tongjian You, assistant professor of exercise and nutrition science, in an article on Live Science about using calorie restriction to increase the human life span; You conducts animal research that supports the theory.
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“We see a lot of seniors who don’t want to admit they’re getting older so they don’t want to make changes in their homes. Secondly, consumer education is an issue. If older adults do need help, they often don’t know where to go or how much things cost.”

Danise Levine, assistant director of UB’s IDEA Center, in an article in the St. Tammany News on keeping the home environment safe for the elderly.
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