This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

Questions & Answers

Published: October 4, 2007

Marsha S. Henderson, vice president for external affairs, is chair of UB's 2007 Campaign for the Community.

What's new with UB's SEFA campaign this year?

What's most exciting to me this year is the very meaningful connection between the university's commitment to the community and how that is realized in this annual campaign. As someone who came to UB from the corporate community, I was always aware of the great success of UB's SEFA campaign. Now that I have responsibility for UB's Division of External Affairs, including our Office of Community Relations, I see firsthand how the university's public service mission and community priorities of pre-K-16 education, health and wellness, neighborhoods and economic development are so generously supported through this campaign. That's reflected in the theme and tagline that we have adopted for the campaign this year, branding it as UB's Campaign for the Community, with a theme of "One University, One Community, One World." UB's Campaign for the Community is for all employees at the university and reflects UB's engagement with its communities and the neighbors whom we live with and serve. Our annual campaign is one of the university's most effective initiatives to connect us as a university with these neighbors.

When will this year's campaign be held?

This year's campaign kickoff event will be held next Tuesday, Oct. 9, in Harriman Hall on the South Campus, with our wrap-up targeted for Thanksgiving week.

How does our campaign benefit the community?

The campaign provides the means for all employees of the university, regardless of the position they hold, to make a meaningful contribution to the university's commitment to service. Last year, under the outstanding leadership of campaign chair Michael Ryan, UB raised almost $917,000 to support people in need. While employees can choose to designate their contributions to any of more than 600 local, national and international agencies/programs, the vast majority of the gifts benefit the local community. More than 80 percent of the money raised by UB in the 2006 campaign was designated by UB employees to stay right here in Buffalo Niagara. These donations support a broad spectrum of services, ranging from organizations that serve people in crisis to programs that have touched many of our day-to-day lives, such as the UB Child Care Center, Hospice, Girl and Boy Scouts, and even the SPCA.

How does UB's response compare with that of others?

Among local companies and organizations, UB consistently has the most generous employee campaign and the largest number of leadership donors at the $1,000 level and above. Perhaps one of our greatest sources of pride in the campaign is that in 2005—the most recent year for which national data are available—UB's campaign raised the most money of all colleges and universities with fewer than 10,000 employees, and ranked sixth in the nation among all colleges and universities for employee charitable dollars raised. Since 1990, UB has raised more than $12.2 million in its annual campaign, and has raised just shy of $6 million since 2000. UB also is a leader in participation in the United Way's annual Day of Caring. This year, 174 university employees participated, with UB ranking third among local companies in terms of employee involvement.

What is the goal of this year's campaign?

While our goal is to raise more than the $917,000 achieved last year, the most meaningful measure of campaign success would be increased participation among the university's employees, and increased giving by our very generous returning donors. Currently, approximately 75 percent of UB employees return their campaign form, and close to 50 percent of UB employees choose to make a donation. Of course, I would like to see both of those figures moving much closer to 100 percent. With more than 600 programs and services available as options for donor designations, there are giving choices that appeal to almost everyone's interests. Donor choice, accompanied by the payroll deduction option, make this campaign an efficient and effective tool for employees to give generously to charitable causes with "one-stop shopping" convenience. Personally, I would be thrilled if UB's campaign could surpass the $1 million level for the first time. Just think how many more lives in our community could be positively impacted by that achievement. This actually would not be difficult to do. We could accomplish it if all returning donors increase their gift by $1 per week ($2 per pay period) and those who did not give last year became donors with a minimum gift of $1 per week ($2 per pay period).

Is it important to designate my gift?

UB donors are encouraged to review the campaign directory carefully and to designate 100 percent of their gifts to the agency or agencies of their choice. All funds designated to specific organizations will be and always have been received by those organizations, less a very modest fee to cover the administrative costs of the campaign (an exceptionally low 8 percent for the 2007 campaign; the federal standard is traditionally 25 percent). This year, SEFA policy mandates that funds left undesignated by donors will be distributed to agencies in direct proportion to the percentage of funds designated to those same agencies by the local donors to the statewide appeal. For example, if 5 percent of the overall campaign contributions are designated by donors to "Agency X," then "Agency X" also will receive 5 percent of the pool of undesignated funds. Questions have arisen this year about the ability of donors to designate their gifts to Planned Parenthood, which has been generously supported by a large number of UB donors in the past. Recent news stories about support for Planned Parenthood from the local United Way discretionary budget have no bearing on the choices for UB's campaign donors. Planned Parenthood will continue to be a designation option for our donors, and designated monies (minus the small campaign administrative fee) will continue to be distributed to the organization as has been the case in the past. I encourage those who have previously supported Planned Parenthood or who want to do so this year to make their gifts through UB's Campaign for the Community. The local SEFA steering committee is planning to write a letter to all UB donors who contributed to Planned Parenthood to correct any misinformation and misunderstandings about this issue. If donors have questions about this or any other campaign issue, I invite them to contact me at

What is the relationship between UB's campaign and the United Way?

UB's Campaign for the Community and the United Way are separate entities. It is not the case that a portion of gifts raised through UB employee donations are retained by the United Way for its discretionary use. The United Way receives funding from UB's campaign when donors specifically designate their gifts to the United Way or through the distribution of undesignated funds as described above.

Is there another topic you would like to address?

It is such an exciting time to be at UB. From recent activities between the university and the Buffalo Public Schools, to the very enjoyable and successful UB on the Green this past summer, to the anticipated revitalization of downtown neighborhoods through our purchase of the former M. Wile building, it's clear that the university's engagement with and investment in the community is strengthening. President Simpson regularly points out the importance of the partnership between great regions and the research universities that reside there. Buffalo Niagara needs UB, and we need a strong Buffalo Niagara. As we launch our UB Believers advocacy group this semester and look to the members of our community to support the university and its needs, it is fitting that we, in turn, demonstrate a strong commitment to the needs of the community through our gifts to this campaign. I am honored to chair UB's 2007 Campaign for the Community, and I hope you will join me in supporting the campaign as generously as possible.