This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.


Published: October 11, 2007

Because of their expertise and reputations, members of the UB faculty and staff are sought out by reporters who quote them in print, broadcast and online publications around the world. Here is a sampling of recent media coverage in which UB is mentioned prominently.

"The skin stretched differently depending on how hard you press, which moves the Level 2 features around."

Venu Govindaraju, director of the Center for Unified Biometrics and Sensors, in an article in Wired magazine on a new fingerprint-recognition technology developed at the University of Warwick that allows researchers to "unwrap" distorted fingerprints.
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"We're still in the advertising phase, encouraging people to sign up."

Gerald Schoenle, chief of university police, in an article on Inside Higher Ed on colleges that, in the wake of the Virginia Tech tragedy, are upgrading their emergency communications by adding text-message technology.
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"Kids will study, cram for the final, they'll pass the course and six months later they won't remember a thing about it...I don't think anyone has shown [financial literacy courses] to be effective; it doesn't mean it can't be. It doesn't mean it isn't possible to discover ways of doing it more effectively."

Lewis Mandell, professor of finance and managerial economics, in an article in the Des Moines Register on a new financial literacy course being offered at Iowa State University and the debate over whether it should be required for students to take the class before graduating.
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"I have examined a lot of kids under 15 who've killed, and they don't seem to have the same understanding of consequences."

Charles Patrick Ewing, professor of law, in an article in the Orlando Sentinel on "siblicide"—sibling-on-sibling homicide—and the case of a 13-year-old accused of killing his 8-year-old brother following an argument over a dessert.
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