Color Palette

Our palette represents the vibrant and tenacious nature of our community, as well as our rigorous academic standards and storied history.

On this page:

Primary palette

Blue and White

UB’s signature blue and white dates back to 1886, 40 years after the School of Medicine was established. At the time, the School of Medicine was tying its diplomas using white ribbons. As the School of Pharmacy prepared to graduate its first class, it looked to distinguish itself and used blue ribbons instead. As other departments came into existence and the student body increased, there came a need to create a university spirit insignia. The diploma ribbons were seized on as a distinctive color combination that didn’t conflict with those of other universities. Our blue and white have undergone many iterations over the last 130-plus years, but they endure to this day, representing the University at Buffalo at the highest level.

Primary Color Palette.

UB Blue*

CMYK: 100/53/0/0
PMS: 2935
RGB: 0/91/187
HEX: #005bbb  

Primary Color Palette.

Hayes Hall White

CMYK: 0/0/0/0
PMS: White
RGB: 255/255/255
HEX: #ffffff  

Secondary palette

Supporting Colors

Although our color system is monochromatic, we understand that, in certain instances, other colors need to be used. For those circumstances, we have developed this set of secondary colors.

These colors should be used occasionally and sparingly. Under no circumstances should any of them become the predominant color for a school, center, institute or department.

* Colors noted with an asterisk are suitable to be used in text on a white background on the web.

Letchworth Autumn.

Letchworth Autumn

CMYK: 0/72/70/0
PMS: 7416
RGB: 229/106/84
HEX: #e56a54

Solar Strand.

Solar Strand

CMYK: 0/19/89/0
PMS: 123
RGB: 255/199/44
HEX: #ffc72c  

Greiner Green.

Greiner Green

CMYK: 10/0/95/0
PMS: 396
RGB: 235/236/0
HEX: #ebec00  

Lake LaSalle.

Lake LaSalle

CMYK: 66/0/39/0
PMS: 3265
RGB: 0/166/156
HEX: #00a69c

Capen Brick.

Capen Brick*

CMYK: 8/92/100/33
PMS: 484
RGB: 153/0/0
HEX: #990000  

Bronze Buffalo.

Bronze Buffalo

CMYK: 9/35/98/30
PMS: 1255
RGB: 173/132/31
HEX: #ad841f  

Olmsted Green.

Olmsted Green

CMYK: 56/2/78/5
PMS: 7489
RGB: 109/160/75
HEX: #6da04b 

Niagara Whirlpool.

Niagara Whirlpool*

CMYK: 96/9/32/29
PMS: 7474
RGB: 0/101/112
HEX: #006570

Victor E. Blue.

Victor E. Blue

CMYK: 67/2/0/0
PMS: 298
RGB: 47/159/208
HEX: #2f9fd0

Harriman Blue.

Harriman Blue*

CMYK: 100/30/19/76
PMS: 3035
RGB: 0/47/86
HEX: #002f56

Baird Point.

Baird Point

CMYK: 5/11/8/12
PMS: 434
RGB: 228/228/228
HEX: #e4e4e4

Putnam Gray.

Townsend Gray*

CMYK: 30/22/17/57
RGB: 102/102/102
HEX: #666666  

No values other than those listed on this page should be used. Tints and shades of these colors are not permitted.

Color palette download

This file download consists of our branded primary and secondary CMYK, PMS and RGB/HEX color palettes, packaged in an ASE file for your convenience. When designing branded content, upload these color palettes to ensure color values are correct.

Note: Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE) files are used to save a collection of colors that can be accessed through the swatches palette in most Adobe Creative Suite programs.

ASE Color Palettes:

Compatible with Adobe Creative Suite programs only

The University at Buffalo is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards to ensure we provide equal access to all users. If you experience any difficulty in accessing the content or services on this website, or if you have suggestions about improving the user experience, please contact:

University Communications at or 716-645-6969 

Digital color palette

When audiences encounter UB in the digital realm, our dedicated palette makes it a consistent experience.

Our audiences usually first meet UB digitally, way before they ever experience it in person. To translate our brand thoughtfully for our digital communications, we’ve created web-specific values for our color palette using the HEX and RGB variations listed below. They have been optimized for digital use and should not be altered in any way.

Provide high contrast

Pay special attention when using light grays, oranges and yellows. Check your contrast levels with the WAVE color contrast tool.

Design for accessibility

We want our communications to resonate with all audiences, so take thoughtful consideration when choosing color combinations for digital communications. Our digital color palette has been optimized for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)—an equal opportunity law for people with disabilities—so that it’s visually effective and functionally useful.

Don’t rely on color alone

Since some users may override page colors, color should not be the only way information is conveyed. Make sure information is available even if colors are altered. This can mean adding another cue, such as an underline to show a link, or an icon to reinforce the meaning.

Accessibility Training Available

A free online educational resource is available through Deque University to improve your web accessibility knowledge and skill set. The full curriculum contains over 30 courses on creating accessible documents, testing and more, which are extremely valuable skills for web developers, content editors and all faculty and staff who create online materials.

> Please register to access Deque University courses.

Best practices for using text and color

Hayes Hall White
on UB Blue

Hayes Hall White
on Townsend Gray

Bulls Black
on Baird Point

UB Blue
on Hayes Hall White

Townsend Gray
on Hayes Hall White

Bulls Black
on Hayes Hall White