
On this page:

User Account Requirements

While there is no cost for UB faculty groups to use CCR compute resources, queue priority is based on contribution level.   At a minimum, faculty using CCR resources are required to:

  1. Acknowledge CCR support in publications,
  2. Include a percent recognition credit to CCR (at least a 5%) on the Sponsored Programs Approval Form (though this can be larger for grants requiring significant CCR resources).  NOTE:  Clicking the "use CCR" box on the Sponsored Programs Approval Form is not the same as including a percent credit to CCR.
  3. Communicate with CCR about the nature of your research, publications and any funding that you have.  The ability to provide this information to us is handled by the resource allocation management portal, Coldfront, and you will be required to update this info once per year.  


Account Application

  • UB & RPCI faculty new to CCR:  Faculty account creation is a three step process.
    NOTE:   This is for UB and RPCI faculty only!  Students, staff, and external collaborators must have the support of a UB faculty member to receive access to CCR - see below for instructions on account creation.
    1. Please use the identity management portal* to create a CCR account and enable two factor authentication.  Step-by-step instructions can be found here.  
    2. Once account is created & two factor authentication is enabled, request an upgrade to PI status as described in the Getting Access documentation.
    3. When your status is upgraded to 'PI,' you must create a new project in the allocation management portal, Coldfront*, and request an allocation to the resources (clusters, storage, servers, etc) you want access to. More information on ColdFront can be found here.  If you're unsure what to request access to, please see this information

* Connection to the UB VPN is required from off-campus

  • Industry Partners:  Please contact CCR Help to request a new group account.  You will be contacted when the initial account is setup and you'll be required to provide information about your project at that time.  You can also use the red support tab on the left of the browser window to submit a help ticket.  Please list your full name, email address, company address, and phone number.

  • Current CCR Users (Faculty members or managers of industry/business projects with existing CCR accounts): To add or modify accounts for your staff and students, please use the allocation management portal, Coldfront*.  Instructions can be found here  New CCR users must create themselves an account first, following the instructions here.  Once created, you will be able to search for their username in Coldfront and add them to your project.
  • Non-UB Researchers: You must be affiliated with a current UB or RPCI faculty member or receive special permission from the CCR Director in order to receive a CCR account. If you are affiliated with a UB/RPCI faculty member, they will request an account on your behalf.  If you are not, please contact CCR Help and include your contact information, a description of your research, and the reason(s) why you require access to CCR resources.  Access is granted on a case-by-case basis.

  • UB students must be working for a UB faculty member that will sponsor them for a CCR account or be taking a class that requires use of the CCR resources.  If you qualify for an account, please use the identity management portal* to create one for yourself. Instructions can be found here.  Once you've completed the account creation process, please contact the faculty member or course instructor who is sponsoring your account.  They should utilize the allocation management portal, Coldfront*, and add you to their project.  Although we now offer users the ability to create a CCR account for themselves, we must verify a new user's status before allowing them access to CCR resources.  This is done when a faculty member adds the user to a project and gives them access to a resource allocation.  It is your responsibility to contact your sponsor and request that he/she adds you to their project. 

* Connection to the UB VPN is required from off-campus

All users must comply with the UB Computing Usage Policy.

Please Note:

Accounts are provisioned at the end of every business day.  ColdFront is sync'd with our systems and home directories are created for new users.  You will not be able to login until this process has completed.

Priority Boost: Want your jobs to start faster?

In order to receive a priority boost in your jobs, you must have a funded grant that meets the criteria above and includes direct funds to CCR.  At minimum, you should budget $2,600 per year (approximately 40 hours/year of CCR support staff time at the UB Financial Services approved rate of $65/hour for typical projects - higher amounts as appropriate for projects that are expected to more heavily utilize CCR services).  Note that these rates are generally updated annually, so please contact us or UB Financial Services for current values.  Boosting your group's priority will substantially increase your job throughput.  Please update your project in Coldfront and notify CCR Help with your grant information so we can provide you with the boost in queue priority.

Before you submit a grant, we are happy to work with you on the budget to help ensure that we can best support your project. 

Acknowledging CCR in publications and grant proposals is important because it provides a metric by which the university can gauge the utility and impact that CCR resources (hardware, software, and personnel) have on externally funded research at UB.

Feel free to use the information in the CCR Facility Description for PIs Download pdf as reference material for your proposals.  Also, if you would like a letter of support for your proposal, please contact us

Thank you for your support!


Acknowledging CCR

Please acknowledge resources provided by CCR in publications as follows:

Support provided by the Center for Computational Research at the University at Buffalo [1].

and cite as (using the appropriate citation format):

[1] Center for Computational Research, University at Buffalo,


New Account Frequently Asked Questions

If you still have questions, check out our getting access documentation and our frequently asked questions.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact CCR Help.