  • About Us

    Offering statistical services to researchers in the Buffalo Translational Consortium. We provide access to doctoral-level scientists with a wealth of experience in study design and analysis.

    View our team here

  • Collaboration and Consultation

    Study design and statistical support for investigators on a wide variety of interdisciplinary projects – grant and protocol development, statistical analysis of existing data, and statistical consultation.

  • Workshops

    Designed for individuals engaging in research, including graduate students, post-docs, fellows, faculty, and research staff, BERD workshops are free of charge to all SUNY and Buffalo Translational Consortium institutions.

  • Early Career Pathway Development

    BERD programs are designed to address the shortage in biostatistical researchers through exposure to the statistical sciences with hands-on applications.

The Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) Core provides quality biostatistical, epidemiological and research design support to investigators throughout the Buffalo Translational Consortium. We provide support for all stages of T0 through T4 research by means of consultation, collaboration, teaching, mentoring, and methodological research.