Workforce Development.

Collaboration and Consultation


Comprehensive statistical and study design support for investigators on a wide variety of interdisciplinary projects – grant and protocol development, statistical analysis of existing data, and statistical consultation. 


Interdisciplinary Grant Development

BERD provides one-on-one collaboration to deliver support for funding requests to sponsors. The involvement of BERD members results in applications for external funding which are more competitive. Quality of results from the proposed studies is increased and the cost-effectiveness of the science conducted is maximized. 

Study Design Collaboration

BERD faculty are well versed in both traditional and modern approaches to the design of experimental and observation studies, across all stages of research, T0 through T4. Assistance in study components such as objective formulation, outcome selection, sample size determination, and analysis method choice are provided.  

Biostatistical and Bioinformatic Data Analysis

To facilitate the foundational efforts driving established research programs and competitive grant applications, we offer support to Buffalo Translational Consortium investigators including analyses, preparation of abstracts and manuscripts for publication, and statistical review. Implemented analysis techniques are not limited to standard methods, but also include modern machine learning approaches, with the emphasis of the analysis on proper generalization of statistical results. The BERD Consulting Lab, staffed by doctoral- and master-level statisticians, provides services such as data visualization, analysis implementation, and other statistical calculations (ex., sample size and power).   

Methodological Research and Software Development

Novel experimental and observational study designs and technologies may require the development of novel data analytic methods. The BERD core is capable of supporting projects that require such customized innovations. 

Pilot Study Review

Through "Research on a Napkin," BERD members (and affiliated faculty, possibly) make themselves available to meet with researchers interested in submitting a funding application for selected pilot RFAs. Applicants interested in this service are slotted a half-hour time slot to present and discuss the working draft of their proposal, and receive immediate feedback from the full panel of BERD scientists. There is no required commitment by the presenting investigator nor the BERD scientists.

Office of Clinical Trial Development and Implementation

Located in the Office of the Vice President for Health Sciences and support by BERD faculty, the Office of Clinical Trial Development and Implementation aims to improve the planning and conduct of clinical trials by providing high quality statistical and data management support and workforce training. In addition to supporting clinical trial efforts by establishing the statistical and data management support systems required for the proper planning, oversight, and implementation of high-level clinical trials and clinical trial-oriented research centers, staff provide customized support to individual studies and provide skill-set building opportunities to novice and more advanced trialists. 



Grant development: The development of biostatistical and bioinformatic materials is typically provided free of charge for grant applications that appropriately budget for BERD faculty/staff support. The grant development queue can become congested prior to major (e.g. NIH) funding submission dates. If a request for support is submitted too close to a deadline, BERD personnel may not be available to provide assistance.

BERD Consulting Lab: Typically, 10 hours of initial support for standard data analysis projects are provided free of charge. Projects requiring more than 10 hours of support will be handled on a case-by-case basis.


Authorship: If BERD-generated materials (e.g., analysis plans, analysis results, figures, tables, etc.) are included in a manuscript, then the members of the BERD core involved in the development should be included in the manuscript author list.

Grant acknowledgement: Manuscripts which make use of BERD services should acknowledge the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number UL1TR001412 to the University at Buffalo.