The Office of Inclusive Excellence hosted UB's inaugural Women's History Month Symposium on March 1, 2024. The symposium provided a unique opportunity for UB to come together with faculty, staff, students, and community members to discuss the important roles women hold as activists, organizers, and social justice advocates in society.
The Visiting Future Faculty Program (VITAL) is an exciting and rewarding four-day program that brings promising doctoral scholars from all disciplines to UB.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Pride Month (April/June) commemorates the events of June 1969 and works to achieve equal justice and equal opportunity for LGBTQ Americans. Visit our Heritage Months page for a list of upcoming events.
The Office of Inclusive Excellence hosted UB’s third Inclusive Excellence Summit on May 4, 2023. The summit offered a unique opportunity for our university to come together as a community to promote understanding and to explore new ways to strengthen diversity, equity and inclusion.
The President’s advisory council on race is guiding the university’s collective conversations and actions regarding how the UB community can harness our university’s education, research and engagement mission to combat racism and dismantle structural barriers to equality.
We collaborate, plan and coordinate with partners across the university—students, faculty, and staff—to build a culture of diversity, social justice, and inclusion that makes all of us stronger. Find out more about our office.
The Humanities Institute provides support for research and a forum for conversations among humanists of all disciplines around topics that include disabilities studies, Native American studies, queer studies, and others.
A scholarly community of faculty and students from the health sciences and disciplines focused on the social, economic, political, and environmental conditions that lead to inequities that aims to improve people’s lives around the world and influence global health policy and practice.
One of the first women’s studies programs in the nation, the department inspires critical thinking, challenging students to better understand how gender and sexuality shape the world and our places in it.
A center that conducts research that addresses the root causes of health disparities in Buffalo, while developing and testing innovative solutions to eliminate health inequities in the region.
Serving as the university’s gateway for exploring cultural connections across borders, identities and time, the Department of Africana and American Studies operates in a unique niche between theory and practice, research and social engagement, and humanity and the environment.
Indigenous Studies is an interdisciplinary field of study that centers the knowledges, priorities, aspirations and lived experiences of Indigenous peoples locally, nationally and internationally.
A unique partnership of the schools of social work and nursing, Joining Forces supports military-related research and provides excellence in education and training for UB students and health care providers serving veterans and military families in our region.
Promotes academic research and teaching in the humanities and social sciences and facilitates the integration of people with disabilities into the community.
IDC offers students programs and events that invite dialogue, celebrate differences and commonalities, and promote awareness about diversity and how it affects beliefs, perceptions, and the global society.
Facilitates academic excellence, access, equity, and achievement for a diverse student population through a variety of programs, advising and student support, collaborative learning workshops, mentoring to prepare for graduate studies and professional schools, summer bridge programs, and scholarships.
Tutoring and Academic Support Services (TASS) helps undergraduate students raise the bar on their classroom performance by providing resources and support that open doors to academic success.
The university-wide iSEED Institute strives to build a culturally and intellectually diverse and academically inclusive community of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty and staff.
BEAM is a cooperative educational enrichment program that prepares inner city, minority, female and other under-represented students for careers in science, engineering, and technology.
An immersive, summer residency program for underrepresented minority or first generation undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in law.
A program that develops student talents, promotes the professional growth, and enhances intellectual and cultural diversity in the biomedical and behavioral sciences.
The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) ensures UB's compliance with policies covering discrimination, harassment, accommodations, equal opportunity and child protection.
UB is committed to ensuring that everyone can access all that we offer. Whether it is access to electronic information technology or physical access to the campus, our goal is to provide seamless inclusion for everyone.
Promotes the personal well-being and academic success of students by providing brief mental health services, educational programs, crisis intervention, and campus community consultation.
Student Conduct and Advocacy helps maintain a safe campus by enforcing rules and regulations, managing conduct, responding to bias-related concerns, and providing support resources to UB students.
Blue Table is a virtual food pantry service for UB students who do not have access to food. Any enrolled UB student is welcome to utilize the service and all that is needed is a valid UB student ID.
Contributes to and supports a welcoming and inclusive university community for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer faculty and staff through education, networking and advocacy.
Throughout the year, this Professor Staff Senate committee hosts social and educational programs that explore issues of diversity, inclusion and community and are open to all UB staff and faculty members.