
The Basics

The Professional Staff Senate at the University at Buffalo exists to look out for the interests of all professional staff working within State, UB Foundation, and Research Foundation lines. The PSS actively participates in the policy decisions of the University and promotes individual professional development.

Senators to the Professional Staff Senate are elected for two-year terms by the staff in the university area they represent.

You do not need to be a senator to participate in Professional Staff Senate events, meetings, or committees.

Learn More

  • Become a Senator
    Interested in becoming a Senator? Learn about senator selection, responsibilities, and other ways to participate in the Professional Staff Senate.
  • Meeting Documents
    The Professional Staff Senate maintains a record of events at all General Membership meetings. You can search these meetings by year. Only the last five academic years are kept on the website. If you need records from a year that is not listed please contact
  • Senator Roster
    Find sitting senators
  • Executive Committee
    The Executive Committee is made up of the PSS officers and two Senators from each area of the university. Together they set the direction of the Senate.
  • Officers
    Meet the current leadership of the PSS.
  • Resolutions
    Read Resolutions and Letters approved and endorsed by the Professional Staff Senate.
  • Executive Groupings & Area Explanation
    Executive Grouping Organization Chart and Senate Areas for Executive Groupings.