VOLUME 30, NUMBER 12 THURSDAY, February 11, 1999

Hockey at dawn

It's 6:30 a.m. at the Amherst Pepsi Center and 15-20 women, members of UB's Women's Hockey club, formed last year, are already on the ice, practicing under their volunteer coaches. Now playing other club teams, they hope to face off against women's teams from Cornell and Niagara Universities.

$5.7 million NIH grant to fund hearing studies
Investigators to expand multidisciplinary research into causes of acquired hearing loss

The Center for Hearing and Deafness, one of the world's leading hearing-research laboratories, has received a $5.7 million program project grant from the National Institutes of Health to expand studies geared to understanding and treating acquired hearing loss.


'The crash:' CIT working to restore email service
For the second time in less than a week, UB's central email server crashed this past weekend, and remained down for about two and a half days, leaving the majority of the university's faculty, staff and students unable to send or receive email.


Top Stories...

· Faculty looks at consequences of email crash
· Panel to refine censure proposal: FSEC creates subcommittee composed of former senate chairs
· Arkeilpane named director of athletics
· Is the lake ice safe? Ask UB's 'ice man'
· One-act play, "Chimes at Midnight," to be presented
· The measure of an Olympian: Janet Evans says grace through adversity is true test of a champion
· Senate discusses gen-ed options
· Impressions of a 'troubled paradise' Ithaca College cinema/photography chair to lecture on "The Face of Madagascar"

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The Reporter is a campus community newspaper published by the Division of University Services, State University of New York at Buffalo. Editorial offices are located at UB News Services, 136 Crofts Hall, Amherst, NY, 14260, 716-645-2626.

The Reporter publishes in print and online every Thursday during the academic year.

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