VOLUME 30, NUMBER 28 THURSDAY, April 15, 1999

UB researchers develop crime-fighting tools

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Ransom notes-like the infamous one in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case-and other handwritten documents that provide clues to criminal cases may soon be easier to analyze, thanks to new software being developed by UB computer scientists.

Researchers in the Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition (CEDAR) are being awarded a grant from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) to develop computer-assisted, handwriting-analysis tools for forensic applications.

The new tools will for the first time make available to law-enforcement investigators quantitative methods for analyzing handwriting in an effort to identify writers of documents who also may be suspects in criminal cases.

CEDAR is the largest research center in the world devoted to developing new technologies that can recognize and read human handwriting. In the United States, it is the only center in a university where researchers in artificial intelligence are applying pattern-recognition techniques to the problem of reading human handwriting.

For more than 10 years, CEDAR's largest research project has been developing and refining the software now used by the U.S. Postal Service to read and interpret handwritten addresses on envelopes. CEDAR researchers continue to refine and improve it for the USPS, as well as for Australia Post, which also has adopted the CEDAR system.

That expertise attracted the attention of the National Institute of Justice, which invited CEDAR to compete for this grant.

Ironically, according to Sargur Srihari, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the UB Department of Computer Science and Engineering and director of CEDAR, the NIJ project requires researchers to look at human handwriting from a different perspective than that required by the Postal Service project.

"Previously, we never were interested in who the author was," said Srihari. "The main focus of our Handwritten Address Interpretation system was always to say, 'What is common or average about this handwritten address,' not 'What is special.' But with this project, we will be saying, 'What is special about this?'"

Current efforts to analyze human handwriting in criminal or civil cases have involved obtaining samples of writing from potential suspects or witnesses and then comparing them with the writing in the document in question.

In the JonBenet Ramsey case, for example, potential suspects, including friends of the Ramseys, were made to write some of the same words that appeared in the ransom note so that investigators could compare them with the original document.

In another high-profile investigation, Monica Lewinsky, according to the Starr Report, also was made to submit samples of her writing for analysts to compare with handwritten notes found during the investigation by the Office of The Independent Counsel.

At the same time, many less-sensational cases have involved forged wills and other handwritten documents.

But because relatively few, if any, objective criteria currently exist for analyzing handwriting, it has yet to be regarded with the same confidence level as other pieces of evidence.

"Specialists in handwriting analysis in these cases are certainly not taken as seriously as DNA experts, for example," said Srihari.

For instance, human analysts now need to make elaborate measurements about such details of a person's writing as how often a certain slant or loop occurs. The software under development will be able to automatically estimate the slant angle of someone's script, as well as other features of an individual's writing. Those features and quantitative data about them-such as how often they occur and in what context-can then be compared with the writing in the document under investigation.

"What we hope to do is to create an automated system that could pick out handwriting styles and attach to them some numbers and confidence levels for a specific document, to evaluate how good of a match there is between a sample and a given document," said Srihari.

One of the CEDAR researchers' first steps will be to analyze many different types of handwriting, samples that they intend to begin soliciting from their students at UB

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