VOLUME 30, NUMBER 28 THURSDAY, April 15, 1999

Tribute to Federman

Raymond Federman, right, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of English, examines art symbolizing his achievements presented April 9 in Clemens Hall at a tribute in honor of his retirement. Looking on, from left: Kelly Carrigg, Mariame BagatŽ and Therese Tseng, all of the French Graduate Student Association. The work was created by student artists Kelly Myers and Matt Coleman.

FSEC verifies it: no confidence in trustees
Senate's vote relates to academic issues, not union concerns, committee tells Greiner

Members of the Faculty Senate voted no confidence in the SUNY Board of Trustees on April 6 precisely because they have "no confidence" in the board and not because they wished to aid their union in its collective-bargaining process, members of the senate's executive committee told President William R. Greiner at the body's April 7 meeting.


UB researchers develop crime-fighting tools
Ransom notes-like the infamous one in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case-and other handwritten documents that provide clues to criminal cases may soon be easier to analyze, thanks to new software being developed by UB computer scientists.


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· Building for the future: Conference to focus on environmental stewardship in commercial, residential construction
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· Symposium on Space
· Protecting ears against noise damage: Drug may prevent destruction of nerve functioning, study shows
· Female soccer players perform better on high-fat diet, researchers find
· Validating public service efforts: Senate committees grapple with service portion of UB's mission

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