Firefighters test themselves in CRESE (Center for Research and Education in Special Environments) which provides a unique facility for researchers in multiple fields.
UB's Human Research Protection Program protects the rights of research volunteers, guided by a 1964 World Medical Organization declaration: "In research on man, the interest of science and society should never take precedence over considerations related to the well-being of the subject."
All Continuing Renewals will need to be submitted as Modifications/CR. Also under Modifications select both “Study team member information” and “Other parts of the study”.
To help protect volunteers, investigators must complete training and receive project approval from a university Institutional Review Board (IRB) before beginning their work.
-- The Institutional Review Boards will not review incomplete protocols.
-- The IRB staff determines when the protocols are complete and ready for the agenda. They encourage researchers to submit early, allowing for pre-review and updates.
-- The official review of a completed proposal takes about two months, so please plan accordingly.
Please allow two months for your documents to be reviewed and approved, so submit accordingly.
Register for Click or OnCore systems training.
Many federal and institutional compliance regulations require training, both in person and/or online, often before you are allowed to begin your research.