Welcome to Our Site!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How did you come up with the idea for this site?

Q: Where did you find all of the information?

Q: Are you all really from Buffalo?

Q: Why did you exclude some teams of the past?

Q: Why do some pages include more content and information than others?

Q: How did you build this website? What tools/applications did you use?

Q: Can I use the information from this site for my own personal website?

Q: If I e-mail you will someone really message me back?

Q: What antiquated team should be brought back to Buffalo

How did you come up with the idea for this site? (top)

The four of us (felix, aaron, jesse, and bryan) all pooled our interests and decided on something that was universally interesting to us and also something that we would not mind researching. Lone behold, this was our baby.

Where did you find all of the information? (top)

We found the lot of our information / images / logs, etc. through various sites, online hubs, and some books.

The various sources have been credited in the space below the FAQ. If you cannot find something specific, feel free to e-mail us!

Are you all really from Buffalo? (top)

Yes, if not from the immediate city limits the surrounding suburbs or villages.

Why did you exclude some teams of the past? (top)

Some of the information is just REALLY hard to find. We did not want to reinvent the wheel with this project, so whatever information we felt was better explained elsewhere.

Why do some pages include more content and information than others? (top)

The information we included best explained what we wanted to achieve. Too much would be overwhelming, too little would be frustrating. We tried to settle on a happy medium between both.

How did you build this website? What tools/applications did you use? (top)

We built this through simple HTML editors like MS Notepad and also through more advanced programs like Adobe Dreamweaver. Most images were edited in Adobe Photoshop.

Can I use the information from this site for my own personal website? (top)

Yes, we have no reason to stop you from using the information on this site. However, the original owners might be a little upset, especially if you do not correctly credit them. We advise that you contact the original owners with any questions that you may have.

Also, please refer to the United State's 'Fair Use Doctrine.'

If I e-mail you will someone really message me back? (top)

Yes, we will try to in a timely fashion. Chances are we are all really busy either working or doing stuff for projects in completing our Master's Degrees.

What antiquated team should be brought back to Buffalo? (top)

You would have to ask us all individually. ;-)


We thank you dearly for visiting our website. It means a lot to us. We put a great deal of work, time, and love into it. Please check out the Buffalo Sports Museum, NASL Jerseys, Sportslogos.net, ESPN.com, sabres.com, bills.com, or bisons.com for more direct info.



Google Map provided by google.com

Images on the Buffalo Sports Graveyard are all linked to specific pages which then link to their original pages of ownership.


All venue images are also found on most to all other pages on this website. All images should also be linked to their original site of ownership.


Bills logo from: http://www.wallpaperpimper.com/wallpaper/Football/Buffalo_Bills/Buffalo-Bills-logo-3-SZ4YJD9XN4-1024x768.jpg

Updated schedule from: http://prod.static.bills.clubs.nfl.com//assets/pdf/2011-schedule.pdf

Web 2.0: http://www.espn.com (http://a.espncdn.com/community/widgets/swfs/standings.swf & http://a.espncdn.com/community/widgets/swfs/team.swf)

Ralph Wilson Stadium: http://football.ballparks.com/NFL/BuffaloBills/aerial.jpg

War Memorial Stadium: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_5jRDome29Bs/TVKD9aOOBcI/AAAAAAAACoY/Dlp_U2yd0po/s1600/War_Memorial_Stad_Buffalo.jpg

Rogers Centre: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_fUzorZk31Ss/TDpl4XHLGeI/AAAAAAAAHKA/5QM0S0PoXeU/s1600/cn-tower-and-rogers-centre.jpg

Ralph Wilson Field House: http://www.mshco.com/images/5_lg.jpg

Growney Stadium: http://www.sjfc.edu/dotAsset/80699.jpg

Chan Gailey: http://bleacherpreachers.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Chan-Gailey.jpg

Buddy Nix: http://media.timesfreepress.com/img/photos/2011/02/13/0420lsD05BuddyNix2col_t240.JPG?1151fa2e5d1f472822ac417764d7eb1b159e2f4c
Lamar Hunt Trophy: http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/526358/Lamar_Hunt_Trophy_Old.jpg

Bills HOF: http://www.buffalobillsalumni.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/hof_bills.jpg

Image above bills logo and uniform history: http://www.twobillsdrive.com/images/site/wallpaper/wallpaper1920x1200.jpg

Button 1 - balloon: http://www.awise.org/files/productsimages/BS_P/36671.jpg

Button 2, classic logo: http://www.wallpaperpimper.com/wallpaper/Football/Buffalo_Bills/Buffalo-Bills-Logo-2-M1V8PYU791-1280x960.jpg

Button 3, white helmet: http://img.phombo.com/img1/photocombo/38/cache/BuffaloBillsOldHelmet_display.jpg

Button 4, #1 finger from: http://www.prizes1.com/Buffalo%20Bills%20Football%20Vinyl%20No%201%20Hand.jpg

Button 5 from: http://www.ootpdevelopments.com/board/attachments/ootp-mods-logos-graphics-html/101295d1188340237-bills-alteration-buffalo_bills.png

Youtube videos http://www.youtube.com/embed/QeNaR9zSg6I




Bryce Paup http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/975000/images/_977698_bryce_paup_300.jpg


Sabres 40 year logo and 2011 schedule provided by <www.sabres.com>

Widgits provided by <ESPN.com>

Aud image: http://www.hockeyforum.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=70

HSBC image: http://hockey.ballparks.com/NHL/BuffaloSabres/index.htm

Darcy Regier: http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/images/photos/001/144/707/74393365_crop_650x440.jpg?1298858439

Sabres logos for collage provided by Chris Creamer at <www.sportslogos.net>

Various pieces of information provided by John Boutet from <http://www.buffalosportsmuseum.com/>

BASEBALL: All images are linked to their original place of ownership.

LACROSSE: All images are linked to their original place of ownership.

BASKETBALL: All images are linked to their original place of ownership.

SOCCER: Collage made with freely accessible clip art images; Blizzard's Logo Skype was used under the fair use doctrine.


Blizzard logo from: http://www.logoserver.com/Soccer/BuffaloBlizzard.GIF

AUD from: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/HSBC_Arena_and_the_Aud.jpg

HSBC from: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/200/486826499_7735d10a63.jpg

Jim May from: http://www.buffalosportshallfame.com/2007/jim_may.html

Rudy P from: http://www.nasljerseys.com/images/MISL/Crunch/Crunch%2090-91%20Road%20Rudy%20Pikuzinski1.jpg

Random guy from : http://www.nextlevelsoccercamps.com/images/ballpic.jpg

NPSL logo from: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/97/NPSL.png

MLS logo from: http://cdn.caughtoffside.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/mls_logo.jpg

WNY Flash button from: http://www.womensprosoccer.com/~/media/Images/league/615x369/misc-news/WNY-Flash-615.ashx

Empire USA button from: http://www.empireunitedsa.org/


Most images were provided by the websites of <http://www.oursportscentral.com/misl/stallions.html> & Dave Morrison @ <http://www.nasljerseys.com>

Stallions pennant provided by John Boutet @ the Buffalo Sports Museum


Image map constructed from clip art buffalo image.

Respective link images provided by the website they are linked to.


Site Map code was provided by and altered with permission from Slickmap.css
_ Created by Matt Everson of Astuteo, LLC, <http://astuteo.com/slickmap>


Page Last Updated: 05/02/2011 17:27:55

All Images and Information Used are brought to you by their original authors.

Copywrite © team BEARDS ...feel free to E-mail US