Physical Accessibility

Inclusion begins with access. UB strives to ensure that our physical facilities can be accessed by everyone.  

Physical access can present challenges. Many of UB’s buildings were erected prior to accessibility requirements, and UB has been steadily working to make improvements so that our buildings are more accessible. Additionally, snow and ice can present additional barriers. We are committed to providing the information you need and to incorporating your feedback into our plans to ensure everyone can access our classrooms and facilities.

Set of doors with a barrier-free entrance.
Accessible Routes

Find accessible parking and barrier-free entrances, as well as the shortest path of travel to building entrances.

Electronic door opener with accessibility symbol.
Report Non-Functioning Equipment

If you encounter a non-functioning door or other mechanical problem, submit a work order to University Facilities.

The walkway to Capen Hall covered in snow.
Snow Removal Plan and Procedure

Ensuring access during heavy snowfall can be a challenge. The Snow Removal Plan and Procedure policy explains how UB prioritizes snow removal, including priority building access points.  

Parking spaces with accessibility signs.
Find Accessible Parking

Parking and Transportation Services provides information about accessible parking on campus.

ADA Transition Plan

UB is committed to a continuous process of remediating barriers to accessibility.

The University’s Design Guidelines state that the most stringent accessibility standards are to be used for alteration and construction projects. UB has constructed and renovated a number of buildings on all three campuses in accordance with its Campus Master Plan. Recently, these include new construction of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Building, One World Café, and Davis Hall, and significant renovations of Parker, Hayes and Crosby Halls, as well as the Biomedical Education and Biomedical Research buildings and Clark Gym. All of these buildings are required to meet the most stringent standards for accessibility.

In 2003 – 2004, UB conducted a comprehensive Americans with Disabilities Act survey of its academic and residential facilities throughout its North and South Campuses. The 16-month long study, which spanned over nine million square feet of buildings and over 1,100 acres of exterior site routes, covered key areas of accessibility including parking, exterior and interior routes, entrances, horizontal and vertical circulation, toilet rooms, program spaces, and safety concerns. A two-phase Project Priority List was developed spanning from 2005 to 2014 identifying small to large accessibility improvements, many of which have been completed to date.

UB is continuing to make improvements, including a comprehensive study and mapping of accessible routes from parking to barrier-free entrances. For additional information, contact EDI.