Fellows in Interdisciplinary Legal Studies

Fellows contribute greatly to the vitality of The Baldy Center community. 

  • Senior and Mid-Career Fellows
    The Baldy Center Senior Fellows are accomplished academics and professionals, usually faculty members at other universities, who pursue intensive scholarly projects closely related to the mission of The Center. They utilize UB’s extensive research resources, participate regularly in The Baldy Center events, and share their expertise with the larger community.
  • Postdoctoral Fellows
    The Baldy Center Postdoctoral Fellows are highly promising scholars from a variety of disciplines who have completed their PhDs and/or JDs at other universities, but have not yet commenced tenure track positions. Chosen in an extremely competitive process, they carry out their scholarly projects with the full array of UB research resources and participate regularly in The Baldy Center talks, discussions, workshops, and conferences.
  • Research Fellows
    The Baldy Center is a focal point for the large group of scholars working on law, legal institutions, and social policy in the University at Buffalo community. The Center’s scholarly community is closely connected to regional, national, and global sociolegal scholars. Accordingly, the Center seeks to facilitate the work of scholars with law and policy related interests by linking them into The Baldy Center community and its substantial scholarly resources. The Baldy Center welcomes expressions of interest from all interested scholars and does its best to accommodate researchers whose interests complement those of UB faculty or address significant problems in law and social policy.