Biomedical Engineering Development Fund

UB Chemical and Biological Engineering professor Eli Ruckenstein.

Through this fund, we aim to address society’s most pressing health problems and engineer a healthier future.

At the Department of Biomedical Engineering, we strive to improve the health and well-being of humans through education, research, and technology development at the intersection of engineering and health.

Spanning both the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, we provide students with in-depth knowledge and the opportunity to participate in hands-on laboratory research in a fast-growing, multifaceted industry. Together, we are enabling our students to become the thought leaders of tomorrow through an applied educational experience.

We focus on the research and development of groundbreaking medical devices and therapies addressing society’s most urgent health concerns, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Our accomplished faculty are highly engaged in cutting-edge multidisciplinary research, bringing their expertise into the classroom to ensure that students are on the forefront of this dynamic field. Our research laboratories allow faculty to work with state-of-the-art equipment and technology to achieve leading research results.

Other Engineering and Applied Sciences Funds

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