

Within the humanities, the resources of the Capen Chair are used in particular to support certain fields that are still nationally underrepresented, such as race, ethnicity, Hispanic/Latino issues, and Latin American thought and culture, in addition of traditional areas of philosophy, such as metaphysics and medieval/scholastic philosophy, philosophical historiography, and the philosophy of language, and of philosophy, comparative literature, such as interpretation.

The Capen Chair is also meant to build bridges among various disciplines by sponsoring events that integrate the work of scholars in different fields including philosophy, comparative literature, Romance languages, literature in various languages, history, and art among others.

The Chair sponsors events such as conferences and symposia, lectures and seminars, visiting scholars from various parts of the world, and the publication of books, book series, specialized journal issues, and art catalogues. The Chair also is intended to sponsor or co-sponsor graduate student fellowships, and to help faculty (particularly junior faculty) and graduate students with support grants to attend congresses and other professional meetings when they participate on the program.

Moreover, it is part of the mission of the Chair to apply for grants with agencies such as the National Endowment for the Humanities and the New York Council for the Humanities.

  • Fields
    The areas of philosophy with which the Capen Chair is concerned may be divided into two groups, systematic and historical:
  • Grants
    It is part of the mission of the Chair to apply for grants with agencies such as the National Endowment for the Humanities and the New York Council for the Humanities.
  • SUNY Press Book Series
    In the late 1980s the current chair established a book series with SUNY Press, entitled Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture, to promote sound and interdisciplinary scholarship in these, often neglected fields. The series has been functioning for over a quarter of a century and has published more than 56 volumes.
  • Editorial Activites
    Editorial activities in which the chair is involved include membership in books series, academic journal boards, newsletters from professional associations, and handbooks.
  • Visiting Faculty and Fellows
    The Capen Chair regularly sponsors visiting faculty from various parts of the world, post doctoral fellows, and dissertation fellowships. Their purpose is to encourage a dialogue among scholars with different backgrounds and interdisciplinary interests, and to support the work of younger scholars so they can finish their doctoral degree.