Recent Faculty Publications

UB Communication department faculty place top priority on publishing their scientific work. The faculty are extremely successful in publishing in top-tier academic journals.

Here you can see a sample of each faculty member's articles and books that have been accepted or published over the last several academic years.

Feeley, Thomas H. (Professor)

Crenesse-Cozien, N., Dolph, B., Said, M., Feeley, T.H., & Kayler, L. K. (in press). Kidney transplant evaluation: Evaluation from qualitative interviews with African-American patients and their providers. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

Nickels, B. M., & Feeley, T. H. (in press). Breaking bad news in veterinarian medicine. Health Communication.

Colber-Lichter, M., Kayler, L. K., Majumder, M., Dolph, B., Cadzow, R., & Feeley, T. H. (in press). Development and preliminary evaluation of IRD-1-2-3: An animated video to inform transplant candidates about increased risk donor kidneys. Transplantation.

Fico, A., & Feeley, T. H. (2019). A Positive Deviance Approach to Improve Familial Authorization for Organ Donation. Clinical Transplantation. Available online

Lewis L, Dolph B, Said M, Feeley T.H., Kayler L.K. (in press). Enabling Conversations: African American Patients' Changing Perceptions of Kidney Transplantation. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. 

LaPointe-Rudow, D., DeLair, S., Feeley, T.H., et al. (2018). Long-term impact of live over donation: A self-report of the donation experience. Liver Transplantation, 25,

Chen, Y., & Feeley, T.H. (2018). Risk perception, social support, and alcohol use among U.S. adolescents. International Journal of Communication and Health, 13, 11-22.

Feeley, T.H., Lee, S., & Moon, S. (2018). A journal-level analysis of Progress in Transplantation, 28, 19-23.

Lee, S., & Feeley, T. H. (in press). A meta-analysis of the pique technique of compliance-gaining. Social Influence.

Lee, S., & Feeley, T. H. (in press). The identifiable victim effect: Using an experimental-causal-chain design to test for mediation. Current Psychology.

Feeley, T.H., Fico, A.E., Shaw, A.Z., Lee, S., & Griffin, D. (2017). Is the door-in-the-face a concession? Communication Quarterly, 65, 97-123.

Feeley, T. H., Quick, B. L., & Lee, S. (2016). Using direct mail to promote organ donor registration: Two campaigns and a meta-analysis. Clinical Transplantation, 30, 1564-1569.

Lee, S., & Feeley, T. H. (2016). The identifiable victim effect: A meta- analytic review. Social Influence, 11/3, 199-215.

Quick, B. L., Reynolds-Tylus, T. J., Fico, A. E., & Feeley, T. H. (2016). An investigation into mature adults’ reluctance to register as organ donors. Clinical Transplantation, 30, 1250-1257.

Feeley, T.H., Fico, A.E., Shaw, A.Z., Lee, S., & Griffin, D. (2016). Is the door-in-the-face a concession? Communication Quarterly.

Nickerson, A.B., Feeley, T.H., & Tsay-Vogel, M. (in press). Applying mass communication theory to bystander intervention and bullying. Adolescent Research Review.

Moon, S., Lee, S., & Feeley, T.H. (2016). A Meta-Analytical Review of the Legitimization of Paltry Favors Compliance Strategy. Psychological Reports, 118(3), 748-771.

Quick, B., Reynolds-Tylus, T., Anker, A.E. & Feeley, T.H. (2016). Source and message framing considerations for recruiting mature adults as organ donors through direct mail campaigns. Progress in Transplantation, 26/4, 309-316.

Frank, Mark G. (Professor)

Novotny, E., Carr, Z., Frank, M. G., Dietrich, S. B., Shaddock, T., Cardwell, M., & Decker, A. (in press). How People Really Suspect and Discover Lies. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior.

Matsumoto, D., Hwang, H. C., & Frank, M. G. (2016). Emotion and aggressive intergroup cognitions: The ANCODI Hypothesis. Aggressive behaviour; 43, 93-107.

Matsumoto, D., Hwang, H. C., & Frank, M. G. (2016). The effects of incidental anger, contempt, and disgust on hostile language and implicit behaviors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology; 46; 437-452. DOI: 10.1111/jasp.12374.

Matsumoto, D., Hwang, H. C., & Frank, M. G. (Eds). (2016). Handbook of Nonverbal Communication.  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association press.

Frank, M.G., & Shaw, A. Z. (2016). Evolution and nonverbal communication. In D. Matsumoto, H.C. Hwang, and M. G. Frank (Eds). Handbook of Nonverbal Communication.  (pp 45-76). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association press.

Matsumoto, D., Hwang, H.C., & Frank, M.G. (2016). The body: Postures, gait, proxemics, and haptics. In D. Matsumoto, H.C. Hwang, and M. G. Frank (Eds). Handbook of Nonverbal Communication.  (pp 387-400). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association press.

Svetieva, E., & Frank, M.G. (2016). Empathy, emotion dysregulation, and enhanced microexpression recognition ability.  Motivation and Emotion40, 309-320. DOI: 10.1007/s11031-015-9528-4

Matsumoto, D., Frank, M.G., & Hwang, H. C. (2015).   The role of intergroup emotions on political violence. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24, 369-373 DOI: 10.1177/0963721415595023

Frank, M.G., Matsumoto, D., & Hwang, H.C. (2015). Intergroup emotions and political aggression: The ANCODI hypothesis. In J. P. Forgas (Ed.) Social Psychology and Politics: Proceedings the 17th Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology, Volume 17, pp 173-189.

Hurley, C. M., Anker, A. E., Frank, M. G., Matsumoto, D. M., & Hwang, H. C. (2014). Does background matter? Background factors predicting accuracy and improvement in micro expression recognition.Motivation & Emotion. DOI: 10.1007/s11031-014-9410-9

Green, Melanie (Professor and Chair)

Freedman, G., Green, M.C., Flanagan, M., & Kaufman, G. (in press). The influence of Stephen Hawking’s death on interest in cosmology and ALS. Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

*Fitzgerald, K., *Paravati, E., Green, M.C., Moore, M., & Qian, J. (in press). Restorative narratives for health promotion. Health Communication

*Carpenter, J.M., Green, M.C., & Fitzgerald, K.  (in press). Motivation for mindreading: Individual differences in the desire to perspective-take influence narrative processing. Scientific Study of Literature

*Freedman, G., Seidman, M., Flanagan, M., Kaufman, G., & Green, M. C. (2018). The impact of an “aha” moment on gender biases: Mixed evidence for the efficacy of a game intervention that challenges gender assumptions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 78, 162-167.

*Carpenter, J.M., Green, M.C., & *LaFlam, J. (2018).  Just between us: Exclusive communications in online social networks. Journal of Social Psychology, 158(4), 405-420.

*Freedman, G., Green, M.C., Kaufman, G., Flanagan, M., & *Fitzgerald, K. (2018). The impact of gender on attributions for women’s anxiety and doubt in a science narrative. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 42(2), 178-191

Clark, J.M., & Green, M.C. (2018).  Self-fulfilling prophecies: Perceived reality of online interaction drives expected outcomes of online communication. Personality and Individual Differences, 133, 73-76.

Gabriel, S., *Paravati, E., & Green, M.C. (2018).  From Apprentice to President: The role of parasocial connection in the election of Donald Trump. Social Psychology and Personality Science, 9(3), 299-307.

*Clark, J.M., Algoe, S.B., & Green, M.C. (2018). Social network sites and well-being: The role of social connection. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(1), 32-37.

*Freedman, G., Seidman, M., Flanagan, M., Green, M.C., & Kaufman, G. (2018). Updating a classic: A new generation of vignette experiments involving iterative decision-making.  Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(1), 43-59. 

Green, M.C.Kaufman, G., Flanagan, M., & *Fitzgerald, K.S. (in press). Self-esteem and public self-consciousness moderate the emotional impact of expressive writing about experiences with bias. Personality and Individual Differences.

Simons, J.J.P., & Green, M.C. (in press). Divisive topics as social threats. Communication Research.

Leung, M.M., Green, M.C., Tate, D.F., Cai, J., & Ammerman, A. (in press). Fight for Your Right to Fruit©: Psychosocial outcomes of a manga comic promoting fruit consumption in middle-school youth. Health Communication.

Carpenter, J.M., Green, M.C., & Vacharkulksemsuk, T. (2016). Beyond perspective-taking: Mind-reading motivation. Motivation and Emotion, 40(3), 358-374.

Donahue, J.K., & Green, M.C. (2016). A good story: Men's storytelling ability affects their attractiveness and perceived status. Personal Relationships, 23(2), 199-213.

Hong, Junhao (Professor)

Hong, J. (2017). Social Media in China: An Unprecedented Force for An Unprecedented Social Change? Telematics and Informatics, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 691–693.

Xiao, X., & Hong, J. (2017). Three Features of Chinese Martial Arts Online Games. Journal of Southwest University, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 131-136.

Hong, J. (2017). The Role and Influence of Media and New Media in the U.S. Presidential Election in 2016. Journal of Shantou University, Vol. 33, No. 168, pp. 40–46.

Sherlick, L. & Hong, J. (2008). Internet Popular Culture and Jewish values: The Influence of Technology on Religion in Israeli Schools. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press. 

Hong, J. (1998). The Internationalization of Television in China: The Evolution of Ideology, Society, and Media Since the Reform. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Hong, J. (in press). The Political Implications of Mainland China’s Strategies for Exporting Movies and the Realities. Studies on Chinese Communism.

Jang, W., Hong, J., & Frederic, E. (2015). The Framing of the North Korean Six-Party Talks by Chinese and North Korean News Agencies: Communist Propaganda and National Interests. Media International Australia, No. 154, pp. 42-52.

Hong, J. (2014). The Use of New Media in the Eastern and Western Contexts. Media and Society, No. 8, pp. 54-55.

Hong, J., & Yan, S. (2014). The Necessity, Urgency, and Challenges for International Dissemination of Chinese Culture. Journal of Journalism & Communication Research, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 5-21.

Hong, J. (2014). What Can We Learn from Hollywood & Bollywood in Making Huallywood? China Media Report,Vol.49, No. 1, pp. 4-9.

Hong, J. (2014). Toward Globalization: The Approaches and Accomplishments of the Four Media Giants in Asia. In T. McPhail (Ed.) Global Communication: Theories, Stakeholders, and Trends (4th Edition). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 248-74

Lee, David (Assistant Professor)

Lee, D. S.& Way, B. M. (2019). Perceived Social Support and Chronic Inflammation: The Moderating Role of Self-esteem. Health Psychology.

Lee, D. S., Orvell, A., Briskin, J., Shrapnell, T., Gelman, S., Ayduk, O., Ybarra, O., & Kross, E. (2019). When chatting about negative experiences helps—and when it hurts: Distinguishing adaptive vs. maladaptive social support in computer-mediated communication. Emotion.

Lee, D. S., Ybarra, O., Gonzalez, R., & Ellsworth, P. (2018). I-through-We: How Supportive Social Relationships Facilitate Personal Growth. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,44, 37-48.

Lee, D, S., & Ybarra, O. (2017). Cultivating effective social support through abstraction: Reframing social support promotes goal-pursuit. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,43, 453-464.

Park, J., Lee, D. S., Shablack, H., Verduyn, P., Ybarra, O., Jonides, J., & Kross, E. (2016). When perceptions defy reality: The role of actual and perceived Facebook social support in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders200, 37-44.

Lee, D. S., Kim, E., & Schwarz, N. (2015) Something smells fishy: Olfactory suspicion cues improve performance on the Moses illusion and Wason rule generation task. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,59, 47-50.

Lee, D. S., Moeller, S., Kopelman, S., & Ybarra, O. (2015). Biased Social Perceptions of Knowledge: Implications for Negotiators’ Rapport and Outcomes. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research8, 21-35.

Verduyn, P., Lee, D. S., Park, J., Shablack, H., Orvell, A., Bayer, J., Ybarra, O., Jonides, J., & Kross, E. (2015). Passive Facebook usage undermines affective well-being: Experimental and longitudinal evidence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,144, 480-488

Kross, E., Verduyn, P., Demiralp, E., Park, J., Lee, D. S., Lin, N., Jonides, J., & Ybarra, O. (2013) Facebook use predicts declines in subjective well-being in young adults. PLOSOne8, 1-6. (5thmost talked about paper online in 2013 (Altmetric))

Ybarra, O., Kross, E., Lee, D. S., Zhao, Y., Dougherty, A., & Sanchez-Burks, J. (2013). Toward a more contextual psychological and dynamic model of emotional intelligence. In A.B. Bakker (Ed)., Advances in positive organizational psychology (pp. 167-187). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.

*Ybarra, O., *Lee, D. S., & Gonzalez, R. (2012). Supportive social relationships attenuate the appeal of choice. Psychological Science23, 1186-1192. (* = Equal contribution)

Ybarra, O., Park, H., Stanik, C., & Lee, D. S.(2012). Self-judgment and reputation monitoring as a function of the fundamental dimensions, temporal appraisal, and culture. European Journal of Social Psychology42, 200-209

Ophir, Yotam (Associate Professor)

Ophir, Y. (2019). The Effects of New Coverage of Epidemics on Public Support and Compliance with the CDC- An Experimental Study. Journal of Health Communication. doi: 10.1080/10810730.2019.1632990.

 Sangalang, A., Ophir, Y., & Cappella, J. N. (2019). The potential for narratives to correct misinformation. Journal of Communication

 Ophir, Y., & Jamieson, K. H. (2018). The Effects of Zika Virus Risk Coverage on Familiarity, Knowledge and Behavior in the U.S. Health Communication, 10.1080/10410236.2018.1536958. 

Ophir, Y. (2018). The Pandemic, the Scientific, and the Social: The Coverage of Epidemics in American Newspapers through the Lens of the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Framework.Health Security, 16(3), 147-157.

Ophir, Y., & Jamieson, K. H. (2018). Intentions to Use a Novel Zika Vaccine: The Effects of Misbeliefs about the MMR Vaccine and Perceptions about Zika. Journal of Public Health. First published online March 2018

 Brennan, E., Maloney, E. K., Ophir, Y., & Cappella, J. N. (2018). Designing Effective Testimonial Pictorial Warning Labels for Tobacco Products. Health Communication. First published online on July 9th, 2018

Ophir, Y. (2018). O’Hair (Ed.). Risk and Health Communication in an Evolving Media Environment. European Journal of Communication

Ophir, Y., Brennan, E., Maloney, E. K., & Cappella, J. N. (2017). The Effects of Graphic Warning Labels’ Vividness on Message Engagement and Intentions to Quit Smoking. Communication Research, First published online on April s2nd 2017

Cappella, J.N., Ophir, Y., & Sutton, J. (21017). The measurement of the public's knowledge as the basis for assessing misinformation: Application to tobacco products. In Southwell, B.G., Thorson, E.A., Sheble, L. (Eds). Misinformation and mass audiences. University of Texas Press.

Brennan, E., Maloney, E. K., & Ophir, Y., & Cappella, J. N. (2016). Potential effectiveness of pictorial warning labels that feature images and personal details of real people. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, ntw319

Cappella, J. N., Maloney, E. K., Ophir, Y., Brennan, E. (2015). Interventions to correct misinformation about tobacco products. Tobacco regulatory science, 1(2), 186-197.

Ophir, Y. & Weimann, G. (2012). From terrorist to Persona: Para-Social Interaction and the ETA website. Perspectives on terrorism, 6(1)

Rintamaki, Lance (Associate Professor)

(* signifies co-authorship with student)

*Szatkowski, H., Peek, D. M., & Rintamaki, L. S. (in press). Our hearts are like boats: Using metaphor to make complex information understandable to patients. In A. Du Pre & E. Berlin­Ray, (Eds.), Real­life scenarios: A case study perspective on health communication. New York: Oxford.

*Brashers, D. E., Rintamaki, L. S., Basinger, E.d., Para, M., & Caughglin, J. P. (2017). Taking Control: The Efficacy and Durability of a Peer­Led Uncertainty Management Intervention for People Recently Diagnosed with HIV. Health Communication, 23, 11­21 (2010 ISI Impact Factor: 1.314).

*Reynolds ­Tylus, T., & Rintamaki, L. S., (2015). Strategic use of the Health Belief Model incrafting messages that promote condom use. In C. Noland (Ed.), Contemporary Studies of Sexuality and Communication, (pp. 389­404). New York: Kendall/Hunt.

*Kosenko, K., Rintamaki, L., & Manness, K. (2015). Patient­centered communication: The experiences of transgender adults. In L. Spencer & J. Capuzza (Eds.), Transgender communication studies: Histories, trends, and trajectories, (pp. 224­251). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

*Karras, E., Peek, D. M., & Rintamaki, L. S., (2015). Hearing doctor, Deaf patient: A matter of time, pressure, and pain. In M. Brann (Ed.), Contemporary Issues in Health Communication: Theoretical and Practical Case Studies, second edition (pp. 113­128). New York: Kendall/Hunt.

*McCracken, B., Rintamaki, L. S., & Peek, D. M. (2015). Breaking bad news: The challenges and significance of the most delicate provider­patient communication. In M. Brann (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Health Communication: Theoretical and Practical Case Studies, 2nd edition (pp. 35­46). New York: Kendall/Hunt.

*Akey, J., Rintamaki, L. S., & Kane, T. (2014). Optimal social supportive practices for healthcare professionals who treat patients managing eating disorders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 145, 246­252. (2010 ISI Impact Factor: 1.682)

*Khalil, G., & Rintamaki, L. S. (2014). A televised entertainment­education drama to promote positive discussion of organ donation. Health Education Research, 29, 284­296.

Rintamaki, L. S., & Yang, J. Z. (2014). Advancing the Extended Parallel Process Model: The added value of response cost measures. Journal of Health Communication, 19, 759­774. (2010 ISI Impact Factor: 1.5)

*Akey, J., Chiu, I., Shin, L., Kane, T., & Rintamaki, L. S. (2014). Optimizing social support efforts from friends and family of people coping with eating disorders. In M Eaves (Ed.), Applications in Health Communication: Emerging trends, (pp. 160­174). New York: Kendall/Hunt.

Stefanone, Michael A. (Professor)

*Graduate Student Co-Author; **Former Graduate Student

**Rui, R., & Stefanone, M. A. (2017). Assessing Drinking Norms from Attending Drinking Events and Using Social Network Sites Download pdf. In the Proceedings of the 50th Annual Hawai'i International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), 3736-3745. 

Brouer, R. L., Stefanone, M. A., Badawy, R. L., & **Egnoto, M. J. (2017). Gender (In)Consistent Communication via Social Media and Hireability: An Exploratory Study Download pdf. In the Proceedings of the 50th Annual Hawai'i International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), 2223-2232.

**Rui, J. R., & Stefanone, M. A. (2016). The Desire for Fame: An Extension of Uses and Gratifications Approach Download pdfCommunication Studies, 67(4), 399-418.

Stefanone, M. A., *Iacobucci, A., & **Svetieva, E. (2016). Developing the network awareness construct: Evidence supporting the ability to understand novel social situations Download pdf. In the Proceedings of the 49th Annual Hawai'i International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), 2028-2037.

**Rui, J. R., *Covert, J.M., Stefanone, M. A., & **Mukherjee, T. (2015). The relationship between on- and offline social behavior and social capital Download pdfSocial Science Computer Review, 33, 498-518.

Wang, H., Chua, V., & Stefanone, M. A. (2015). Personal networks, communication multiplexity, and well-being: An examination of networked individualism among college students in Singapore Download pdfAmerican Behavioral Scientist, 59, 1189-1202.

**Kwon, H., **Moon, S., & Stefanone, M. A. (2015). Unspeaking on Facebook?  TestingNetwork Effects on Self-Censorship of Political Expressions in Social Network Sites Download pdfQuality & Quantity, 49(4), 1417-1435

Stefanone, M. A., **Hurley, C. M., **Egnoto, M., & *Covert, J. (2015). Information Asymmetry and social exchange: Exploring compliance gaining online Download pdfInformation, Communication & Society, 18(4), 376-389.

Stefanone, M. A., Saxton, G., **Egnoto, M. A., **Wei, W. X., & Fu, R. (2015). Image attributes and diffusion via twitter: The case of#guncontrol Download pdf. In the Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS, 2015), 1788-1798. January 5-8, Kauai.

Brouer, R., Stefanone, M. A., Badaway, R. L., **Egnoto, M. J., & Seitz, S. R. (2015). Losing Control of Company Information in the Recruitment Process: The Impact of LinkedIn on Organizational Attraction Download pdf. In the Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS, 2015), 1879-1889. January 5-8, Kauai.

Tutzauer, Frank (Associate Professor)

(* indicates student co-authors)

Tutzauer, F. E., & Feeley, T. H. (2017). Network analysis and health and risk messaging. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Available at

*Griffin, D. J., Bolkan, S., Holmgren, J. L., & Tutzauer, F. E. (2016) Central journals and authors in communication using a publication network. Scientometrics, 106, 91-104.

Zarefsky, D., Miller-Tutzauer, C., & Tutzauer, F. E. (2014). Reagan's safety net for the truly needy: The rhetorical uses of definition. In D. Zarefsky, Political argumentation in the United States: Historical and contemporary studies (pp. 365-374). Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [Reprint of refereed article originally appearing in Central States Speech Journal.]

Zarefsky, D., Tutzauer, F. E., & Miller-Tutzauer, C. (2014). The self-sealing rhetoric of John Foster Dulles. In D. Zarefsky, Political argumentation in the United States: Historical and contemporary studies (pp. 209-220). Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. [First time publication of a refereed paper presented to the Speech Communication Association.]

Tutzauer, F. (2013). A family of affiliation indices for two-mode networks. Journal of Social Structure, 14(2).

Wang, Hua (Helen) (Professor)

Wang, H., Rui, J. R.**, Stefanone, M. A. (under review). Exploring the nature of networkedindividualism: Social structures, communication complexity, and personal well-being.

Khalil, G. E.**, Wang, H., Calabro, K., Mitra, N., Shegog, R., Prokhorov, A. V. (2017). How does the user experience lower intention to smoke? A randomized controlled trial of a web-based smoking prevention program for adolescents. Journal of Medical Internet Research, available at doi:10.2196/jmir.7174

Northridge, M. E., Kum, S. S.*, Chakraborty, B., Greenblatt, A. P., Marshall, S. E., Wang, H., Kunzel, C., Metcalf, S. S. (2016). Third places for health promotion with older adults: Using the consolidated framework for implementation research to enhance program implementation and evaluation. Journal of Urban Health. DOI: 10.1007/s11524-016-0070-9

Wang, H., & Singhal, A. (2016). East Los High: Transmedia edutainment to promote the sexual and reproductive health of young Latina/o Americans. American Journal of Public Health, 106, 1002-1010. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2016.303072

Wang, H., Chua, V., & Stefanone, M. A. (2015). Social ties, communication channels, and personal well-being: A study of the networked lives of colleges students in Singapore. American Behavioral Scientist, 59, 1189-1202. doi: 10.1177/0002764215580590

Kum, S.*, Wang, H., Jin, Z.*, Xu, W.*, Mark, J.*, Northridge, M. E., et al. (2015). Boundary objects for group model building to explore oral health equity. System Dynamics Society 2015 International Conference Proceeding.

Rui, J.*, & Wang, H. (2015). Social network sites and international students’ cross- cultural adaptation.Computers in Human Behavior.

Kum, S.*, Wang, H., Wang, P.*, Jin, Z.*, De La Cruz, L., Northridge, M. E., et al. (2015). The ElderSmile TimeMap: Benefits of connecting statistics with time and place. American Journal of Public Health.

Metcalf, S., Birenz, S. S., Kunzel, C., Wang, H., Schrismshaw, E. W., Marshall, S. E. et al. (2015). The impact of Medicaid expansion on oral health equity for older adults: A systems perspective. Journal of California Dental Association.

Wang, H., Chua, V., & Stefanone, M. A. (2015). Social ties, communication channels, and personal well-being: A study of the networked lives of colleges students in Singapore. American Behavioral Scientist. Online First, doi: 10.1177/0002764215580590

Lin, H., & Wang, H. (2014). Avatar creation in virtual worlds: Behaviors and motivations. Computers in Human Behavior, 34, 213-218.

Yang, Janet (Professor)

* indicates graduate student co-authors

Yang, J. Z. (2019). Whose risk? Why did the U.S. public ignore information about the Ebola outbreak? Risk Analysis. doi:10.1111/risa.13282

Yang, J. Z., Chu, H.*, & Kahlor, L. (in press). Fearful conservatives, angry liberals: Information processing related to the 2016 presidential election and climate change.Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. doi: 10.1177/1077699018811089

Huang, J.* & Yang, J. Z. (2019). Beyond Under the Dome: An environmental documentary amplified public risk perception about air pollution in China. Journal of Risk Research. doi: 10.1080/13669877.2019.1569090

Yang, J. Z. & Chu, H.* (2018). Who is afraid of the Ebola outbreak? The influence of discrete emotions on risk perception. Journal or Risk Research, 21(7), 834-853doi: 10.1080/13669877.2016.1247378

Yang, J. Z. & Huang, J.* (2019). Seeking for your own sake: Chinese citizens’ motivations for information seeking about air pollution. Environmental Communication. doi:10.1080/17524032.2017.1397041

Liu, S.*, Yang, J. Z., & Chu, H.* (2019). Now or future? Analyzing the effects of message frame and format in motivating Chinese females to get HPV vaccines for their children. Patient Education and Counseling, 102(1), 61-67. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2018.09.005

Ng, Y. *, Yang, J. Z., & Vishwanath, A. (2018). To fear or not to fear? Applying the social amplification of risk framework on two environmental health risks in Singapore.Journal of Risk Research, 21(12), 1487-1501. doi: 10.1080/13669877.2017.1313762

Liu, S.*, Yang, J. Z., Chu, H.*, Sun, S., & Li, H. (2018). Different culture or different mind? Perception and acceptance of HPV vaccine in China and in the U.S. Journal of Health Communication23(12), 1008-1016. doi: 10.1080/10810730.2018.1536729

Chu, H.* & Yang, J. Z. (2018). Taking climate change here and now – mitigating ideological polarization with psychological distance. Global Environmental Change, 53, 174-181. doi :10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.09.013

Kahlor, L., Yang, J. Z., & Liang, M. (in press). Risky politics: Applying the planned risk information seeking model to the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Mass Communication and Society. doi: 10.1080/15205436.2018.1498900

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