About the Undergraduate Program

The Department of Communication's undergraduate program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the nature of communication.


  • Foundation courses introduce the basic principles of the discipline and provide an overview of the communication process in interpersonal, organizational and media-related contexts.
  • Advanced theory courses focus on the ways in which communication influences personal and professional interactions.
  • In addition, professional courses demonstrate how the concepts learned in foundation and theoretical courses apply in professional settings. As a communication major you may also apply what you learn by participating in faculty research projects and applied internships.

UB's curriculum stresses the development of strong communication skills and provides instruction in public speaking and advanced writing. You will take courses are offered in basic research methods, statistics and new technologies. Theoretical and applied approaches to organizational communication, new technologies, and mass media are also studied.

Degree Choices

Many students choose a joint or double major between communication and English, Computer Science, Media Study, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology and Criminology. You may also opt to earn a minor in departments such as Business Administration, English, Philosophy, Political Science or Sociology and Criminology.

The bachelor of arts degree in Communication is designed to enrich your college experience by providing you with a comprehensive knowledge of the nature of human communication, its media, and its effects. The program offers a theoretical focus that contributes to a liberal education and provides either basic preparation for graduate study or for a variety of careers in communication.

Highly Rated Amongst Peers

Highly rated among similar departments, the Department of Communication includes a range of areas of study. As a major in Communication, you will learn to use emerging information technologies to meet your academic and career goals while learning how to analyze, interpret, and research the process of communication. In addition, you will be introduced to the finer points of interpersonal communication; challenged to apply critical thinking to your consumption of the mass media, exposed to the complexity of delivering information in organizational and mediated communication situations; and, broaden your horizons through the study of international and intercultural communication.

The goal is to show you the myriad of disciplines you can choose from for graduate study, or should you opt to enter the workforce, the career paths which require the strong communication skills you will develop. Students pursue careers in a diversity of jobs related to these areas of study ranging from the popular media to government to advertising and public relations. The Internship Program allows eligible students at the senior level to “sample” working in various communication-related settings. Many students also complete minors in other departments, or complement their communication degree with a joint major in another field, broadening their knowledge and allowing them greater flexibility in the job market.

Outstanding Faculty

As you progress through the program, you will meet the Department’s faculty members, many of whom have achieved outstanding recognition in the field for their research or teaching abilities. The Department’s Academic Advisor will guide you through your communication career, assisting you in selecting courses and determining your area of interest. There are many exciting options to be considered, and the Advisor will help you as you adjust to the transition of college life at UB. You can contact the Undergraduate Advisor by e-mail at com-advisor, to answer any questions you may have regarding the program.

Why study communication?

As a student of communication, you will learn how to analyze, interpret, and research the process by which we relate to one another. The study of communication embraces the most fundamental aspects of human interaction – from the subtleties of interpersonal communication, the influences and effects of mass media, the most effective distribution of information through organizations, to the cutting edge of the new communication technologies and information studies.

Further Study

With a degree in communication, you can pursue graduate education in areas such as Psychology, Law, Public Policy, School Administration, Information Science, Political Science, and Sociology and Criminology. The academic advisor and faculty can add insights to the courses that would be best for you, if you should decide to pursue a graduate degree.

How to Apply

Incoming Students: Apply to the University at Buffalo

Apply to UB. When applying, you should indicate your intended major on the application form.

Current Students: Change your Major or Minor

Submit the CAS Major/Minor Change Request form to request one of the following changes to your academic plan:

  • Add a major, minor, or certificate in the College of Arts and Sciences
  • Drop any major
  • Drop any minor