Peer Shadowing Protocol

Peer shadowing holds significant importance in improving the teaching effectiveness of instructors, as it provides a platform for instructors to engage in reflective practice, allowing them to critically assess their pedagogical approaches, teaching methodologies and classroom dynamics. Instructors can gain fresh perspectives, uncover innovative strategies, and identify areas for enhancement, thus fostering continuous professional growth. Peer shadowing promotes a culture of collaboration and camaraderie among instructors, creating opportunities for knowledge exchange, mentorship and mutual support.


Initially, the process begins with identifying a specific focus for shadowing, whether it be instructional techniques, classroom management or student engagement strategies. Subsequently, the shadowing phase entails an instructor, interested in gaining knowledge of teaching, discreetly observing their colleague's teaching session, attentively noting strengths, areas for application to one’s own teaching and innovative practices. Following the shadowing, a structured debriefing session is conducted, where both parties engage in constructive dialogue, sharing insights, reflections, and actionable feedback. This collaborative exchange not only bolsters professional development but also cultivates a culture of mutual support and learning. Finally, leveraging the insights gained, instructors devise an actionable plan to implement targeted improvements, thereby nurturing a cycle of continuous enhancement in teaching effectiveness.

The following protocol is suggested for peer shadowing and can be adapted based on the needs of the shadowing instructor and the observed peer. For group use, contact us for a program-level version. For additional assistance, please contact us at

Step 1: Shadow Focus Identification

Purpose: This form serves as a guide to identify preferences and focus of participation in a peer observation process, mutually agreed upon by the instructor shadowing and the instructor being observed.


  • The instructor shadowing and the instructor being observed should meet prior to the shadowing opportunity to discuss the focus of the teaching and observation, which sections of the Shadowing Protocol may or may not be applicable, and what teaching and learning activities will take place.
  • Discuss the instructor’s preferences for observation prior to class (e.g., Where should the observer sit? Is there a preference between the observer taking paper notes versus using a device? Can the observer interact with students to ask them questions? etc.)
  • Share materials ahead of time to enhance the observation (e.g., syllabus, lesson plan, materials being used during the class session, etc.)
  • The observer should be introduced to the class to avoid being a mysterious distraction to students.
  • The instructor shadowing and the instructor being observed should meet after the observation to discuss the findings.

This peer shadowing form is filled out by either the instructor or the shadower.

Step 2: Shadowing Protocol

Purpose: Use this rubric, along with the Shadow Focus Identification, to provide learning from instructors based on class observation.

This peer shadowing form is filled out by the shadower.

Step 3: Post-Shadow Debrief

This peer shadowing form is filled out by the shadower after the shadowing experience concludes.

Step 4: Action Plan

This peer shadowing form is filled out by the shadower after the shadowing experience concludes.

Step 5: Post-Participation Recommendations

Thank you for participating in peer shadowing. This page will provide some suggestions to continue your teaching journey.