Custom Survey Assistance

If you are a faculty or staff member under the division of Academic Affairs, the Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation can assist you with survey creation, administration and data analysis.

If you are interested in collecting data for research purposes, please contact the Office of Institutional Analysis.

If you fall under the Student Life Division, please contact the Department of Assessment and Research.

Value Statement

UB seeks to ensure the diversity, equity and inclusivity of its policies, programs, activities and traditions. Assessment is a systematic, coordinated, collaborative processes of analyzing student learning outcomes to ensure that facilitators are helping learners of all ages, aptitudes, and backgrounds achieve their goals. Incorporating the values of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are a natural extension to the aims and actions of assessment work and the work of the Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation.


We will disaggregate data to illuminate findings that carry implications for minoritized groups.

Please complete the below form for assistance designing and delivering custom surveys.

Still need support?

contact our office

Phone: 716-645-7700