
Our robots serve as a learning and research platform, enabling faculty and students to explore new frontiers in robotics, computer science, artificial intelligence and other fields.


Yubie is UB’s newest gadget made by Boston Dynamics. Yubie is an agile mobile robot that can navigate terrain with unprecedented mobility, allowing users to automate routine inspection tasks and data capture safely, accurately, and frequently.

Yubie looking at a UB buffalo statue.
Yubie docked and charging.


Baxter is a collaborative robot designed and manufactured by Rethink Robotics. Baxter has 12 sonar transducers distributed along the periphery of the head, which act as proximity sensors. The head display acts as a face to express different facial expressions. Baxter has two arms with 7 degrees of freedom, each joint has Series Elastic Actuators with position and force sensors. These sensors can be used for collision detection while working in the proximity of human operators. The whole robot is mounted on four wheels for easy transportation.

Ful view of Baxter.