The NNSA Advisory Board serves as representative stakeholders in the Center for Hybrid Rocket Exascale Simulation Technology (CHREST). Advisors help identify collaborative opportunities with NNSA labs, assist in setting research goals and reaffirm project visions, provide input into the evaluation of the center, assess the progress and impact of the center, and conduct annual center reviews.
Greg Burton
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Matthew McNenly
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Roger Pawlowski
Sandia National Laboratories
Thomas Smith
Sandia National Laboratories
Jim Stewart
Sandia National Laboratories
Cosmin Safta
Sandia National Laboratories
Brian Williams
Los Alamos National Laboratory
The AST reports to the Director, Office of Advanced Simulation and Computing, who solicits advice from the ASC Executive Committee. The key goal of all aspects of the PSAAP III management plan is to support the Centers and help them to be successful. All reviews, for example, will be conducted in that spirit. A key AST management tool is the yearly peer review it organizes for each Center. These reviews will be conducted by Review Teams (RTs) and will focus on the technical progress of the Centers towards meeting their goals and milestones.
David Etim
NNSA Advanced Simulation and Computing
Tim Germann
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Fernando Grinstein
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ana Kupresanin
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
John Feddema
Sandia National Laboratories
Bob Voigt
Tina Macaluso
Each PSAAP III Center has its own Tri-Lab Support Team (TST), made up of researchers from the NNSA Laboratories who serve as the principal liaisons between the Center and the Labs. The TSTs have expertise in the topics under investigation and development at the Center
John Hewson
Sandia National Laboratories
Fire Science and Technology
Bob Anderson
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Shock hydrodynamics, adaptive meshing, multi-fidelity methods, high-order finite elements
Marianne Francois
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Interfacial flows, hydrodynamics Instabilities, flow, heat and mass transfer, drop/bubble dynamics, ECP NNSA Apps lead
Fady Najjar
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Shock hydrodynamics, multiphase simulations, ejecta physics
Sriram Swaminarayan
Los Alamos National Laboratory
CS: high performance computing, visualization and data analysis
Greg Weirs
Sandia National Laboratories
V&V/UQ: optimization and uncertainty quantification