Matthew Knepley


Matthew Knepley.

Matthew Knepley


Matthew Knepley


Research Topics

Scalable linear and nonlinear solvers for multiphysics problems; bioelectrostatics, classical density functional theory, and molecular modeling; geophysical modeling in crustal deformation, mantle convection, and magma dynamics; scientific library development and automated scientific computing; libraries and code generation for high performance computing and GPUs; FEM and BEM discretizations

Biography Teaching Research Students

Research Areas

  • Algorithms and Complexity
    Computer science theory assesses which problems are possible and feasible to solve through theories of computability, undecidability, complexity, reducibility, and approximability.
  • High-Performance Computing
    Focuses on efficient experimental and theoretical solutions to problems on state-of-the-art computational systems consisting of large numbers of computational elements, including clouds, clusters, grids, networks-of-workstations, massively parallel supercomputers, and GPU-based systems.