
Increasing Efficiency

Technology is constantly advancing in infrastructure efficiency. Utilizing these new tools and mechanisms will help UB lessen its greenhouse gas impact. Our university will inventory and prioritize upgrades to our electricity and water systems that will reduce consumption across all our campuses.

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Our university will leverage Governor Andrew Cuomo's goal of obtaining 30% of greenhouse gas reductions through conservation measures. In addition, this working group will propose a suite of new university policies including hours of operation, temperature set point, space utilization, life cycle cost and many others. 


Fall 2022 - Spring 2023

In the 2022-2023 climate action plan update, increasing efficiency was pulled out and  redefined into its own strategy, separating it from behavioral change (see Every Action Counts) and Keeping it Cozy and Green where big gains in energy efficiency have been forecast with the newly completed South Campus Clean Energy Master Plan. Going forward, this working group will assess and document technological and capital improvements made at the university and identify opportunities for sustainable impact. 


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