University at Buffalo Community Health Equity Research Institute: Membership

Faculty and community members are invited to apply for membership to the Institute.

Benefits of Membership

  • Notification of and access to all Institute hosted events
  • The opportunity to work with the Institute on research proposals and projects
  • Eligibility for grant proposal pre-review coordinated by the Institute
  • Eligibility to apply for pilot studies when they become available

Responsibilities of membership

Membership will be reviewed annually. To remain in good standing, members shall:

  • Make every effort to attend talks that are sponsored by the Institute and jointly sponsored by the Buffalo Center for Health Equity.
  • Attend the Annual Institute Research Day.
  • Serve as a reviewer (when asked) for grant pre-reviews.
  • Include Community Health Equity Research Institute in your affiliation for publications in which the Institute participation or provided assistance.
  • Assign “recognition credit” to all external funding applications in which the Institute participated or provided assistance. More credit or a different type of credit may be appropriate depending on circumstances. This can be discussed with the director of the Institute.


Community Partners
Community Partners
UB Schools
UB Schools

Mission and Core Values

The UB Community Health Equity Research Institute was created in response to the crisis of health disparities in our region. Much of this health inequity results from the social determinants of health, which include underdeveloped neighborhoods, failing schools, high unemployment, low property values, poor access to public transportation, absence of grocery stores, lead contamination in homes, highway pollution, brownfields, and poor access to healthcare.

Our goal is to perform research to advance understanding of the root causes and develop and test innovative solutions to eliminate health inequities in the region.

The Institute is founded on the principles of community-based participatory research (CBPR), an approach that engages the community as true partners in research, including driving the research agenda, participating in the design and conduct of research and benefiting from the results.

Mission and Core Values
Mission and Core Values