Predoctoral Fellow
O'Brian Hall
211 Mary Talbert Way
Buffalo, NY 14260
Alcohol use and consequences; drinking, hookups and other predictors of sexual victimization for college women of different races; bystander intervention
Levy, S., Tennerman, N., Marin, A., Wiseblatt, A., Shrier, L., Garvey, K., Dedeoglu, F., Fishman, L., Weitzman, E. (2020). Development of Safety Flag Reporting Protocol for Research into Adolescent Substance Use. Journal of Adolescent Health.
Levy, S., Wiseblatt, A., Straus, J. H., Strother, H., Fluet, C., & Harris, S. K. (2020). Adolescent SBIRT practices among pediatricians in Massachusetts. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 14(2), 145-149.