Daniel J. Kruger, PhD

Daniel J. Kruger, PhD.

Research Associate Professor
Research Scientist
Public Health

Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
University at Buffalo, State University of New York

Contact Information

UB Downtown Gateway
77 Goodell St.
Suite 420
Buffalo, NY 14203

Email: djkruger@buffalo.edu
Google Scholar

Primary Research Areas

Medical Cannabis; novel and emerging cannabinoids; therapeutic use of psychedelics; integration of Cannabis and psychedelics with healthcare and health professions education


NIMH Post-doctoral Fellow, Psychosocial Epidemiology, University of Michigan (2003)

PhD, Applied Social Psychology, Loyola University Chicago (2001)

MA, Applied Social Psychology, Loyola University Chicago (1999)

BS with Integral Honors, Psychology, Le Moyne College (1995)

BS with Integral Honors, Biology, Le Moyne College (1995)