“Adaptation strategies of small and medium rice farmers facing market opening” (in Spanish)
2018, Dr. Marion Werner and Dominican geographer Marcos Morales
New Release! Just Green Enough: Urban Development and Environmental Gentrification
Winifred Curran and Trina Hamilton
Shrinking Cities: Understanding urban decline in the United States
2017, Russell Weaver, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen Jason Knight, Amy E. Frazier
2017: Trade governance at a crossroads: Continuity and change in uncertain times
Abigail Cooke, Trina Hamilton, and Marion Werner
2017: Feminist political economy in geography: why now, what is different, and what for?
Marion Werner, Brenda Parker, Kate Derickson, and Kendra Strauss
2015: Cheap Imports and the Loss of US Manufacturing Jobs
Thomas Kemeny, David Rigby, and Abigail Cooke
2014: Linking Up to Development? Global Value Chains and the Making of a Post-Washington Consensus
Marion Werner, Jennifer Bair, and Victor Ramiro Fernandez
Coming soon!