Clinical Research Facilitation Banner.

Research Flow at UB


There are many resources available to investigators and research teams for each step of the research flow process: Study Development, Study Activation, Study Execution, Study Closure, and Dissemination. 

1) Study Development 2) Study Activation 3) Study Execution 4) Study Closure 5) Dissemination

Central Study Registration

Contract Administration

  • Clinical Research Office (CRO) advances contract negotiations to establish the legal parameters of the working relationship for the study. 
  • Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) works in conjunction with other UB business offices regarding award set up, management, and close out.
  • Industry sponsored studies are contracted through the CRO, while federal awards are administered by SPS. Contact Research Facilitation for more information about contracting.

Budget Development

Regulatory Assistance

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Submission Process