SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC)

students presenting research posters.

The SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC) is a multidisciplinary spring semester event. SURC brings together undergraduate students and faculty mentors from across the SUNY system for a full day of activities, including sessions devoted to student presentations (oral, performance, artistic displays, and poster), luncheon, keynote speakers, a SUNY Graduate School and Career Fair, and professional development workshops for students and faculty. SURC is supported by the Offices of the Chancellor, Provost, and Research Foundation, as well as SUNY student and faculty governance organizations. All undergraduate students engaged in research and their mentors across SUNY are invited to attend.

2025 Conference

This year's event be hosted at Binghamton University on Monday, April 28, 2025. To learn more about the event visit the SURC website.


Original research and creative activity are widely recognized as high-impact educational experiences that positively affect undergraduate students’ completion rates, career prospects and readiness for graduate study. Most SUNY campuses encourage such research and creative activity throughout the curriculum, through independent study and capstone experiences and/or via internship placements, and invest in opportunities for students to present their work. This allows students to engage critical audiences in their learning processes and hone the professional communication skills necessary for higher-order scholarship and career success. Frequently those institutions do so by sending their students to professional conferences and events. While such participation allows students to develop further confidence and academic skills and to network beyond their campus by presenting their work to students and faculty who specialize in their research fields, this opportunity often comes at a steep cost of sending students to distant conferences.

SURC provides similar networking and academic enrichment opportunities for students throughout the SUNY system at lower costs and more convenient locales.

By bringing together many hundreds of students and faculty from across the state to participate in SURC, we will help realize the synergistic power of the SUNY system. Students will benefit from networking and academic enrichment opportunities and learn about transfer and graduate programs available across SUNY. Faculty will benefit from networking workshops on integrating student research into their pedagogy or building research and grant collaborations.

SURC is supported by the Offices of the Chancellor and Provost, and the Research Foundation, as well as SUNY student and faculty governance organizations and, of course, the local host site.

All undergraduate students engaged in research/creative activity and their mentors across SUNY are invited to attend!

For questions and comments about SURC, please contact